Joseph Parker
Good find cranky! If it is Takam that is a huge step up for JP.

In hindsight probably would've been better to have the Bowie and Kali fights after the last two so he was building up to this big test, rather than having done nothing but create bad habits over his last two. I think he will win but Takam throws a high volume of punches and won't just sit and wait like a lot of JP's other opponents.

If JP wins this people will have to start giving him credit if they're not already.
Cheers. Agree some credit would be warranted.

Guess that means the Chch April event is off. Or do they take a quick easy fight to fulfill that obligation? Probably not worth the risk irrespective of who it is..
Can't imagine they'd fight him a month beforehand, regardless of who it was against.

Maybe they'll push the date back and fight Takam in ChCh in May. Takam has shown he will travel by fighting Povetkin in Russia.
Yep. Povetkin's people have a hell of a lot deeper pockets than Joe's people though....
Pretty decent sized step up for Joe if it is Takam. Takam has good movement, it could be a frustrating night to be a Parker fan.

Who has a better tank Parker or Takam? I have seen Parker look fatigued but he battles through it and keeps punching, Takam is a bit of a beast in regard to work rate.

TBH I see them match up pretty evenly in most area's but Parker edges the sze and power stakes, Takam being more seasoned and maybe more elusive.
Good comments James. I keep seeing the arguments about Takams relative seasoning. Are folks talking about the fact he's faced some top guys or that he's had more fights. I tend to discount the "more fights" aspect. Almost half (17/35?) of his opponents had at least as many losses as wins. For Joe that's 3/18. It's just one measure, but how much grounding is he getting out of those matchups really? Genuine question- I don't actually have a decent handle on the answer..
Fought more rounds and has fought at a higher level with some success

TBF it would be hard to argue that he isn't more seasoned, seems fairly clear cut to me
Yes he definitely has a bit more of both... But the experience with tougher opponents rather than the "rounds, but primarily with poor opponents" is the more compelling....
Announcement at 11AM NZ time for Parker's next opponent. It'll be in CC, I believe.
What happened to 11:45am? Have they brought it forward?

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