Joseph Parker
Parker punishing Bergman but Parker a bit sloppy at times in this round,reaching again with his right hand.50-44.
Quiet round a lot of holding.Parker looks to be trying too hard to me.Couple of wild misses.
7th round coming up. Parker looks very fit. Kevin wanting him to use his jab, set up the combos. Set up the left hook.
Don't remember the last time Bergman threw a punch.
7th round finished. Body knockdown by JP. Bergman stuff, Parker fresh. Used his jab a bit more, loads of body punches,
Heavy bodyshot drops Bergman.Not much coming back from him either.Parker has to finish him in the next surely.
KO in the 8th. Didn't make the 10 count. KO by a body punch. Bergman was a punching bag, Parker a bit sloppy, but he knew he could finish whenever he wanted. A big sparring session, but the locals definitely loved it.
all done... Bergman took a lot of punishment
Solid shots again to Bergman's midsection stops him.Good bodywork by Parker throughout but they'd know there's a lot of work to be done getting familiar with a southpaw.Kudos to Bergman he didn't come to lie down.
(01-24-2016, 12:09 AM)Cosmic Drop Wrote: its not the best...but its all i can find

Thanks for that mate. Good hitout for Parker. Credit to Bergman for haniging in there also and giving Parker some rounds.

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