Joseph Parker
Stu Duncan's responses to some of the questions, from checkhookboxing thread...

">>Some good questions - a couple I can shed light on now - but I will send to Joe & Kev regardless to get their take on it.

**When do you plan to fight in the US or Europe?

>>Joe has fought twice in the USA already & in Germany on the Klitschko vs Leapai undercard.
There is no immediate plans to fight in either again at this point in time

**I'd like to know what say Parker makes in his fight choices? Its a question I've asked fighters before, because we as fans often hear fighters say I want this or that fight, then say its up to their management.

>>I will put this 'Q' to Joe but I can tell you to date he has never asked & leaves it up to his team to make these decisions.

**Have you considered using a traditional title like the Commonwealth belt to get known, ambitious opponents as challengers? If you get Joe in an eliminator I'm sure Joshua would just drop the belt anyway, then it really opens up fights against some of the British domestic scene as well as potential fights from Canada/Africa and gets a bit more name recognition out there

>>We made numerous efforts to challenge Lucas for the title to no avail. I agree the Commonwealth is a great title to secure and gets recognition with the WBC. We have made other inroads to get recognition with the WBC including the OPBF & Eurasia at this stage. The issue now is not Anthony Joshua as we know that fight will be made at some stage but we would rather it be for an eliminator or World Title - this was a decision made by his team collectively. My other concern is this - Joe has the PABA / Oceania / OPBF / Eurasia / WBO Oriental titles. Summarizing - thats 2 x WBC belts / 2 x WBA belts and one with the WBO. So we now have to service these titles. So at present we can be dictated to by 5 organizations as to who we fight. Honestly at this stage Joe is rated with all 3 and we have been lobying the IBF for consideration - we dont need to have one more org dictating who we fight as it will complicate things. Joe has his next 2 lined up - one a tall and a lefty in Samoa. Were targeting an undefeated European in April who is tall as we are targeting a rated fighter for lets just say a big fight mid year .. Martz and this tall for April are perfect for a lead upto the big fight mid year.

**Any chance of an opponent like Chris Arreola next year

>>Chris has been offered 3 times and his team have no interest at all - they have their own agenda (a common response we receive - despite good money offers) .. we agree a fight with Chris would make for a good tv fight

**Who would you like to fight the most in any of the top 5 alphabets?
**What's the next step for Izu?
**Can you ask Joseph to say a little on how much sparring Klitschko opened his eyes?
**For KB - Tarver has tested positive again. Are you worried about opponents juicing the higher you go?

>>All of these questions will go to Kevin & Joe for their responses. I will wait another couple of days to see if there are any more.

Cheers .. Stu "
Thanks for the heads up Cranky!

I thought they'd already stated he'd go to the US mid next year, obviously not.

Interesting about the tall undefeated European in April. here's a list of all active and undefeated Europeans taller than JP, inside Boxrec's top 200... excluding top contenders as this is not the "big one mid year"...

Hughie Fury - - Being moved along very cautiously, almost definitely no
Adrian Granat - - Likewise, no
Tom Schwarz - - Never fought outside Germany, might be hard to attract
Franz Rill - - Only half an inch taller than JP and may not be undefeated for long, unlikely
Michael Wallisch - - Duco's bread and butter, hasn't fought anyone but is 15-0. Has decent power though and might not travel, maybe
Matteo Madugno - - Would be perfect, inflated record, young, undefeated in 17 having fought nobody. But never left Italy and unlikely to.
Christian Lewandowski - - 6-0 against nobody in particular, always fights with his brother so might be difficult to pull away, maybe
Franck Acho - - Getting into the who's that now, hopefully not
Evgenios Lazaridis - - Same as above
Mohamed Soltby - - Last one, same as

So, from those I'd guess one of 3 Germans - Schwarz, Wallisch, Lewandowski. Probably Wallisch.

I like lists...
Cranky, you're the best!  Thanks for that contact with Stu.  You got me onto the checkhook boxing website, which is fun to see.  I'd like to make you our foreign correspondent here at nzboxchat, but not sure I can afford you.  I'll speak to Sham, who gets his checks regularly, and always willing to contribute to the Parker cause.

Honourable mention goes to tm7 for taking the time to research the above names.  Must admit, none of those names brings a smile to my face.  But I do see that Team Parker are moving in a good direction.  Looking forward to the rest of those questions on Stu's list being answered.  I've invited him to come on here with updates on Parker and Izu.  We'll see.
Great work to all.

Excellent questions, Cranky.

Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Cranky didn't ask all those questions. I asked three myself. Nah, what cranky did, along with Stu, was make it all possible. Give credit where credit is due. The diehard did ask three questions. Admittedly, the worse three questions, but questions all the same.

Well done, Diehard!!

"All credit to the opposition"

And all that.
...and more from crunch, aka Stu Duncan:

The Heavyweight stakes are high & Duco are altering their promotional model to support it. So the answer is yes more money will be needed to attract the right opponents. Were approaching the pointy end of the stick but lets be realists - Joe wont be fighting Wladimir inside 18 months. So Mid 2016 forward will be targeting top 10 guys .. we are targeting a solid opponent for April who will be the perfect warm up for his next outing in June. So the short answer is - no its not a concern and the ground work has been done to cover Joe's activity to mid year ..
Exciting Stuff coming up then
Nice research tm7. You do like your lists. Where did you draw the line? Because there are a few unbeaten Europeans above them. Was it just 2 or 3 you thought were too high quality at this stage?

And diehard is right- all I did was draw the link between that forum and this one. Some of the good questions were his and some were actually from another nzboxchat'er that goes by a different handle over there... Good that we are getting great answers though...
And nice to have you back Kiwi.. Not "inAmerica" these days I take it?

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