Parker vs Joyce Sept. 24th
JP's most important fight since AJ
I think more important in some ways. Well, both the JJ fights really. With AJ, he came back and fought Whyte, lost that but was still in the mix. If he loses twice to JJ, he becomes a gatekeeper.
JP was not mentally ready for AJ, I think. Or to be champ at 24.

Now he seems mentally matured
Yes, he is more mature. JP and KB said if they had gone after AJ like Ruiz did, they would have won. I don't think so, as AJ was at the top of his game then. Against Ruiz, he was coasting, in NYC, and thought he was invincible. He also under-estimated Ruiz, who had fought three months earlier and was in great shape as a result. And a fit Ruiz can fight.
Jeez, is this the heaviest JP has ever weighed?
Def gonna fight Kronk style then
Hard punching and pressure
I hope it works
I reckon a better tactic than backfoot v JJ who loves to be the only one going forward
Can't wait
You can back up JJ if you come forward.  DDD did it.  But it's when JJ comes forward that he's the most effective.  I just hope JP doesn't trade with him as that's the only style that's effective for JJ.  But 255???  I can only hope that he's done the cardio with Fury and Lee and can move well.  Come in, combos, back out, let JJ chase him.  Smack him, in and out. repeat and rinse.
...and this:
...more pics:
4 pounds of extra weight

Hope it helps!

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