Well, he won the first fight, just, and he says he's improved his movement and angles with Andy Lee, so why not use that in the second fight? To stand and trade with Chisora is a recipe for a KO. And not in Parker's favour. He's had no power for ages now. He must now think that if he just puts on 5kg, he'll gain power.

How do you gain 5kg if you are running every day for 5 miles or so? He must be snorting butter or something.
Boos change to cheers for Derek Chisora as he seeks redemption against Joseph Parker
Gareth A Davies

The British boxer refused to talk for the entire event and at one point played Bohemian Rhapsody on a music speaker.
"Tell me someone who has retired from boxing and left and never came back," grunts Derek Chisora, pulling his Union flag bandana over his chin, mouth and nose. "Show me that b...... and I’ll follow his rules."

We are sitting in Wortley Hall, just outside Sheffield, where Chisora has been training under Dave Coldwell for his rematch with New Zealander Joseph Parker on Saturday night (Sunday morning NZ time) in Manchester. It is a fight that with victory, will bring greater paydays.

Chisora is 38 now but chiselled, and as talkative as ever. He is certainly not giving off the vibe of a man who is about to call time on his career.

"Ricky Hatton retired and a couple of weeks later opened a gym. They all do it. Tony Bellew said he hated boxing, he's still in it, David Haye, he wants more. They come back in through the back door. You can't retire. It's the biggest drug in the whole world. Even Floyd Mayweather, the richest man in the game, is still in boxing.

"If I retire from boxing I will set fire to everything I have from boxing – gloves, things I've won – on a bonfire night. The only time we do retire is when we're six feet under and even then I'll still probably be shadow-boxing."

Chisora is superb company, and still enjoys holding court. From relating tales growing up in Zimbabwe - he enjoyed carrying first-aid kit to rugby matches at Churchill Boys School, a private school in Harare - to coming to the UK as a 13-year-old with his mother, few British boxers have had such a tumultuous life.

"I can remember it like it was yesterday. I came out of Gatwick and it just hit me. It was cold. I said, 'Mum, it's cold.' She said: 'Don’t worry it's going to warm up.' I said, 'no it's not' and I ran back inside and told her to buy me another jacket. I was freezing. Then we passed through McDonald's. I think I ate four Big Mac meals, I was so excited. I was like, damn, this is the lifestyle. From then on I didn’t stop eating. I just became fat."

London had a profound impact on the teenager - not all positive. Having settled in Finchley, Chisora became embroiled in trouble with local gangs and soon became known to the local constabulary.

Chisora is not proud of the decisions he made back then, but insists their legacy has been curiously positive.

"If I didn't have those memories, I would not be the man I am today. I got arrested so many times. Petty stuff. It made me understand life and be humble instead of just being aggressive with others. I talk to everybody. My oldest daughter hates going out with me because daddy talks to everybody.

"Most young black men in the United Kingdom have gone a bad route until they have someone in their life to say do this or do that. I was going down a bad route. So many incidents happened when I came here, where people robbed me or shot my car. Fights. But I think God is still saving me for a simple reason. "

Boxing, as is so often the case with troubled young men, offered a way out.

"My probation officer signed me up and for the first year the Metropolitan Police paid for my lessons and bought me my first boxing gloves and boots," Chisora recalls, with a laugh. "Thanks very much. Look at me now."

Chisora may still be prone to the odd eccentric outburst - his pre-fight press conference saw him refuse to answer questions, and refuse to take off his headphones - but he is far removed from the man whose violently erratic behaviour risked him becoming an outcast in the sport.

At one point in our conversation, he shares pictures of his two beautiful young daughters, and his magnificent - and magnificently pink - home in Mill Hill. Age, and fatherhood, have softened and matured the man and the fighter.

"When you have kids it changes you big time," he acknowledges. "Especially when you have girls. I never thought I'd live in a pink house but now I'm debating whether to paint the whole house pink.

"It's difficult now because my daughter Googles her daddy. That’s the problem with these bloody private schools. She comes home and says: 'I Googled you today. I see you flipped up a table.' I’m like, wow. I have to tone it down a bit now."

Boxing as an industry has lost some of its allure - "sometimes I hate it - it's very conniving", he says - but the sport still fires his competitive juices. He still seeks trilogy fights with Tyson Fury and Dillian Whyte.

"I really like Tyson, he’s a good character in the game, a very intelligent man, his family’s amazing - I messaged him when his baby was born. So I'd have that one with Tyson and have another with Dillian.

"I'd definitely have a second one with David Haye. The way I look at boxing is it's a bunch of lions, all seeking something. But after all is said and done, we can all sit down in the same room and break bread together."

Without question, Chisora now appreciates the love he gets from the fans for his battling, ebullient style which renders the 11 defeats in his 43-fight career irrelevant. Indeed, the passage of time has actually seen him become fitter and more ferocious as a fighter, with his popularity soaring as a result.

"The boos have turned into cheers, and I appreciate it. Who have we got who is box office here? AJ, myself, Dillian and Tyson Fury. Other heavyweights can be that but they don’t just give it to you. You put bums on seats and get people to love you. If you don’t have people loving you, you won’t pull in the money.

"It means a lot because those people are paying to watch me fight. It means a lot to me if somebody goes out at six o clock in the morning, does his big shift, gets his overtime pay, and then pays his money to watch me fight. That's what counts in my view, not world titles."

The Telegraph
Boxing: Joseph Parker eyes different result against Derek Chisora

By Kris Shannon

Much has changed for Joseph Parker in the seven months between his bouts against Derek Chisora.

He weighed in for tomorrow morning's fight in Manchester almost five kilograms heavier than when he eked out a split-decision win over the Briton in May.

He has also enjoyed the benefit of a full camp with new trainer Andy Lee, who has worked on improving the Kiwi's footwork and focus.

Now, ahead of the first rematch of his career, Parker is determined to make the most important change of all and turn a controversial result into a convincing victory.

The 29-year-old needs to make a statement to remain relevant in the heavyweight division and, after a "tremendous" training camp in Morecambe, Parker is confident his partnership with Lee will produce exactly that.

"I've had a better chance to work with Andy and a better chance to understand what he's teaching me and a better chance to put it into practice," Parker told Newstalk ZB's Jason Pine.

"I thought that I had good footwork before I joined Andy, but when I got here I had really lazy feet. Also, I lost focus when I did something good in the ring, in terms of throwing a combination and then drifting away and having lapses.

"So I've been working on all the weaknesses that he picked up and we've made them a lot better going into this fight."

Along with those weaknesses, Parker has been focusing on his aggression, producing a level of power and speed in sparring that he hopes will deliver a much-needed knockout.

"I changed a bit over time, became a defensive fighter and a counter-puncher instead of being the aggressor," Parker said. "I want to go back to the fighter I was in the beginning when I took risks and took chances.

"You always want to get a good win, a good knockout, look good doing it. I've fought 12 rounds many times - I don't want it to go 12 rounds. I want to go in there with purpose, I want to go in there and be spiteful."

The quest for additional power saw Parker (29-2) tip the scales at a career-high 114kg at today's weigh in, with Chisora (32-11) coming in slightly lighter than May's bout at 113kg.

Fighting a rematch for the first time provides Parker an ideal opportunity to showcase the alterations he has since made, knowing the one thing he has to change most.

"It's given me time to work on things that didn't go so well in the first fight," he said. "I don't want to get to the end and then question whether I won or not. I want a convincing performance."
Notice what JP says here-
"Parker has been focusing on his aggression, producing a level of power and speed in sparring that he hopes will deliver a much-needed knockout.

"I changed a bit over time, became a defensive fighter and a counter-puncher instead of being the aggressor," Parker said. "I want to go back to the fighter I was in the beginning when I took risks and took chances.

"You always want to get a good win, a good knockout, look good doing it. I've fought 12 rounds many times - I don't want it to go 12 rounds. I want to go in there with purpose, I want to go in there and be spiteful."

Now THAT sounds promising
It'll be a firefight. Slugging it out with the slugger. High risk, high reward, but what the'll be good while it lasts.
Slugging it out is Chisora's bread and butter. I don't think this is wise, JP is not a great inside fighter.
Parker has put on bulk but will it be enough to KO Chisora? I doubt it.
I can see JP attempting to get the KO for a few early rounds, then tiring, and reverting to the back foot counter punch game. I'm predicting another 12 rounder.

Hope I'm wrong though.
Except that with JP's increased weight, he'll tire himself out early and won't last the second half of the fight. He also thinks added weight equals power in his punches.

I'm predicting Chisora ko's him. Parker doesn't have the power to stop Chisora, and will tire out in the later rounds from lack of energy. Hope I'm wrong. If Parker goes for it and ko's him early, I'll apologize to the high heavens. BTW, Chisora looks in great shape.
Watching but bloody feed keeps stalling .. anyone else or is it my internet?
Mine has been stable all morning.
Restarted my modem seems stable now. Always happens before a big fight and I go nuts... Hopefully sorted

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