Joseph Parker
From Duco's Facebook:

Duco Boxing

May 13 at 8:30pm ·

We're getting closer to the naming of Joseph Parker's opponent for his 14th professional fight in Palmerston North June 13.
It's getting a bit silly. Duco have known for a while who the opponent is.

Joseph Parker is 80% Hype and 20% boxer which is a shame because he's doesn't come across as overly into himself
Don't understand the logic. Except that Duco promised a top fighter for Invercargill, which is August 1st. So I can't believe the opponent named for Pommy North will sell tickets. Hence, sell the event and not the opponent. But they will need to get TWO opponents soon.
Got to agree Nippy. Fooling a lot of people.
I hear it could be announced this morning (monday)
sorry guys slight misunderstanding and got a bit excited after bring told something I thought was fact. Hopefully we get some news soon
Yeah, justafan, but who was the opponent that they told you???

But you were sorta right.  Joe Blackburn is facing someone with a losing record on the undercard.
Sorry no idea, I thought I was told on Sunday morning that an opponent was being announced today and it came from someone who is usually very reliable but it appears we had a slight miss-understanding on that.
Was never told an opponent but wish I knew as we are starting to get very close to fight night! Surely if it was anyone decent they would have been dying to tell us who is it.
I don't think for a second they would not have known a long time ago with they way they are building Parker up. Surely he will be training for a certain opponent?????
Parker is not giving it away. I checked his tweets and facebook. Nothing. Why the secrecy. Usually they announce it in the Sunday papers. Less than a month away now. And, they have to get a second fight opponent for August 1st. My guess is the second one will be the money ball, with the PN fight a stay busy fight.
Just got a text to say that its Yakup Saglem

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