Joseph Parker
(05-28-2016, 11:12 PM)NakiFan Wrote: I understood early on with the antics Duco got up to. I said as much in this forum about them selling fights, potential matchup hyping, running a business.

The hype is there already, the fans out there have seen Parker foot it with a fighter legitimately in the top 25.

Hearn is talking about Parker, SkySports UK are airing live feeds of Parkers fights.

THERE IS NO REASON to have Dean Lonergan mouthing off NOW about what Parker can do to other fighters.

Facebook messages on each JP, KB and DUCO post by the boxing fans and public are getting pretty scathing about some of the stuff that is being said. It doesn't sit well with the softly spoken Island community, and frankly it just doesn't sit well with most New Zealanders. Like all NZ sporting teams/individual, we do our talking on the pitch, court, course, lake, sea, track....

TIME is now for Duco to turn Pro, as they have had their time in the amateur ranks. Time for them to understand they are not just promoting a New Zealand boxer, they are promoting

Totally agree. Shut up, Lonergan. He's already in the mix. Leave well enough alone and give Joe a chance to win a title.
Real goods writeups. Thankyou nigs you got it started. Heavily agree sir.

Very honest breakdown from Kevin Barry. Talking no bull.
I knew it. I knew it. Sham wants Parker to lose. Always did.
KB needs to be the spokesperson, not Lonergan. Very honest assessment of Parker. We tend to blame KB as a bad trainer for Parker, but all he can do is train properly and tell him what he needs to do in the ring. KB can't make him do it. To my mind, it's indicative of a guy who's only been pro for 3 years, and learning the ropes.

Great find, NakiFan.
Die please go wake up properly. It would be great to see Lonergan and duco loSe and perhaps KB and Jo stop following their footsteps. I was happy with Jos win against Takam until the bullshit began. What letdown that us, I can sympathize with nigs for sure.
Right, but now, like Nigs, you want Parker to lose. All you needed was a nudge, and then the truth came out. You want Parker to lose because of Lonergan. Surely you can get past the Lonergan hype, see him for what he is, a loud mouthed idiot who doesn't know boxing, and support our guy. Say it Sham. You want Parker to lose against Haumono to get back at Duco.
Die your undies are twisted...Parker won't lose against Haumono how could you mention that. Lonergan is sickening except for the fan boys ah mate, you need to stop txting Lonergan he is doing you no good. Jo will lose if and when he fa b cesAj or Dyllian Whyte maybe and that's where I expect him to lose. Your question is out of order. There are fanboys and pragmatic thinker, I am included in the latter...I love good boxing fights
Predictive txting claims funny results. Thinking like Bob Jones is realistic and pragmatic way to view the boxing scene as it is today. He sees things for what it's worth and isn't swayed by his position, he doesn't have to be.
My question, which you failed to answer, is: Do you WANT Parker to lose against Haumono? Nigs does.

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