Joseph Parker
They are talking about Parker moving up to WBO #5.  Don't know who the casualty will be.  Maybe Charles Martin?  We talk about Parker fighting nobody, but I don't think he's fought anyone in the top 100.  Have a look:
Blah blah blah bloody he'll die are you sending him love asked a name and I gave you Mr Hayes and you said he's too short,, yea well Hayes is my man to stuff up Jo and you didn't lay a rule that he had to be tall. So conversation took me awhile to think of Mr Haye and you disqualified it. Jo looked good last night but we need to find out Hayes age, he could be 40 lol
Damnit, I need to quit drinking
Nope, you couldn't remember Mr. Hayes name, and I had to remind you.  You only gave me hints.  He's not too short.  He's just retired.  He's 35 years old.  Didn't know you were going into the archives...but OK, if you bring him out of retirement, I would concede that Haye "might" beat him.  Of course, if Parker KO'd him like he did Meehan, you's disqualify it and say he wasn't in his prime.

OK Sham, give me a name of someone who would definitely beat Parker other than the 4 I mentioned?  And try to keep it limited to active fighters.  I'm sure Ali, Tyson, Tua, and Joe Louis would have also beaten him in their prime.
Die what you gonna do is sham suddenly disapp ear ? Youd have to talk to lol
A wonderful problem to have, but Sham talks in his sleep. I hear him when I don't hear him.
Die, I'm not aware haye announced retirement, as a matter of fact I recall him saying recently he might go again. Any of the latter five in the top ten could have the recipe to trouble green stone Joseph. I still have a feeling he's one dimensional but gets by with speed and power, anyone with Hayes lateral movement might upset the apple cart.

And fai, you're late for dinner..
Great to see the mongrel in Jo as he will need that to get through the dogs in front of him. He must have the will to slaughter them, I think he has it.
Sham, Haye hasn't fought in 3 years. Not saying the other guys in the top 10 or even 20 will trouble, or even beat him. But I guess what I'm saying, if I were a betting man, I'd bet on Joe. Not sure I'd bet on him against the 4 I mentioned.
Yr a good man die the proof will come when Jo campaigns away from the hype center. It is interesting for sure, I have begun watching his fights, I hope they match him in circumspect.

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