Joseph Parker
Zhang is very heavy handed. He just sits and waits to throw the right - and it is very heavy.

Parker has to avoid that shot and attack the body. Gotta slow the big man down

Zhang will fade after Rnd 6 and Parker can win the fight if he survives the early rounds
I think you mean the left Kiwi. Although he took JJ out with a right hook. Interestingly, in all the fights I saw, no one went to Zhang's body, which has some flab on it. He does fade, but his team says it was due to dehydration against Forrest. Against Hrgovic, he did fade, and it cost him the decision. Gotta make him work.
A guy called Pollywog wrote a good comment on this fight-

"Zhang is gonna be just as difficult to negate. I trust Lee and Parker will come up with something to just that. It won't be an imitation of trying to out juggernaut the juggernaut again.
Cack handers require a whole different strategy. That does mean Zhangs gonna be there all night for that same lightning fast ducking lunge with the overhand right that gave Wilder problems.
Time it right and put him in 2 minds about when to throw and when he does counter and trade shots to see if you can get lucky.
Get a few rib ticklers in there, soften up the solar plexus, get Zhang to drop his guard to protect his belly, wobble him with a big shot and windmill the fück out of him.
Run around for a few rounds make him chase the rabbit. Tire him out. Take him to the championship rounds and empty the tank unloading bombs...."
yep game plan is pretty much that
Zhang is quick, and if JP is lunging to land his punches, he'll get hit with a short left as he gets in close. Better, I think he needs to go to the body in the first half of the fight. I haven't seen Zhang tested there yet, and he's a bit flabby with a big target on his belly. But, JP needs to make sure he covers up.
Every trainer I've heard in the corner says that their fighter needs to go to the body. Does my head in. But, in this case, JP does. More importantly, however, is that he needs to keep Zhang off the front foot. Zhang says he's going to pressure JP like JJ did. Meet Zhang in the center ring and don't back up. That's the time to rip the body.
Zhang is a pretty low-output fighter. He also shells up when attacked. I don't think he will become a "pressure" fighter all of a sudden.

But he does have HUGE power. And he waits and waits to deliver those power shots well.

Parker may just out-point him to a UD.

Either way, I see Parker's SPEED negating Zhang's POWER.

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