Joseph Parker
Don't know about life changing as much as it keeps him in the hunt for a title shot. But you know what you're talking about as KB agrees with you: JP has to stay close to Wilder and crowd him so Wilder doesn't get his right hand going. I think you're both right, but it won't make any difference. Wilder will take a step back and pole ax Parker.

I give JP a 10% chance of winning this. 20% if I'm being generous. Why? Mainly because of JP's defense and tendency to drop his left hand.
He has lost too many times to recover easily from another loss.

Everything changes if he wins this. People have written him off.

A do-or-die effort required
He's only lost 3X. That's not many. And they were top fighters. I agree, his stock goes way up if he wins, and possibly a date with AJ. If he gets KO'd, he becomes a gatekeeper. Do or die is definitely required. Come on Joe.
If Artur Spilka can stay away from Wilder's right haymaker for so many rounds,

Parker has a chance.

A very good chance.

But Parker has been letting us down for years now. I guess it is almost 50/50 to me - but I lean toward Parker
The key point you made was "so many rounds." I think JP can too. (Spilka fought Wilder relatively early in Wilder's career). Just not for 12 rounds. I'm assuming it's a 12 rounder, but if JP can make a fight of it, hurt Wilder and have him in trouble, and gets KO'd late, I consider it a success, given where he's at in his career right now.
Sure, JP has been a disappointment, his body has been meh for awhile, and his opponents lately have been less than ideal, but, for him to do as well as he's done in his career, he's a huge success. I'm surprised he'd make it in the top ten, and he became a world champ. Give KB some credit for that.
If he's the man I think,

he will not be satisfied with that. He knows he has it in him to be champ again.

Has to prove it in a big way here

JP at the top of his game can take this fight. All or nothing.
You can't question his bravery getting in with the most feared puncher on the planet.
Can he stay focused for every second of every round??? IF he can - if his fitness is on point he has a chance
He also has a chance if he gets inside early and belts Wilder around.

This is what I'm hoping for
OK boys. Now we need some strong opinions.

If you were Parker, what would be your plan to dominate the fight and win it?
Hmm ok
JP struggles to push a fight when he has tried v Conjau, Hughie and Fa he has looked sloppy.
I think he can't go in v Wilder with only a plan A of pushing him back as JP does tire and needs rests regularly.
He can be effective on the back foot but cannot be as lacks as he normally is walking straight back with hands down.
So I think he fights in spurts in then far enough out that he is out of Wilders range (easier said)
If he can offset Wilder when he wants to launch by moving - jabbing first or wresting this takes timing and then firing off combos when he himself is set.
Basically frustrate Wilder while scoring points -banking rounds.
Its exciting fight potentially way better spectacle than AJ v Wallin

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