Well, eating right helps Parker get the convincing win. As well as a good trainer and good work habits. He's a professional athlete. He needs to act like it. It all starts with pasta alfredo.
Carborana for me...
This fight has me nervous and excited....
I like both fighters but will always support Joe as he is a Kiwi- Del has had his chances - JP needs to take this fight by the scruff of the neck and dominate -whether a KO or not he needs to dominate if he has a future in the sport
Usyk has the blueprint on how to fight Del--avoid his big shots early. Pot shot him when he gets wild to slow his momentum, and then tire him out in the middle rounds and either KO him or cruise to an easy decision by landing more punches.
Yeah Furey did same to him and the other guy not so long ago Kabayel.
Can JP stay focused enough?
(04-21-2021, 01:11 PM)bart Wrote: Yeah Furey did same to him and the other guy not so long ago Kabayel.
Can JP stay focused enough?

If he was still with Barry I would say no. Will be interesting to see if he reverts to his old habits when tired. I think the new trainer will have his conditioning better than before. I still think it will be a close fight though.
Yeah its seems destined to be similar to Takam and Ruiz fight
Just hoping more dominant
As a fan I am tired of excuses and mediocre performances

If Parker is truly a Top-5 fighter

he will handle Chisora and dominate the rounds.

I have made excuses for Parker for too long - and I need to see something that confirms he really is Champ material.

I think many may feel similar. Can't stomach too much more......
I'm proud to support JP as I love supporting kiwis on the international stage but yeah Im in the same boat now as u Kiwi.
So much potential and talent- hey if he never wins a title again so what I just wanna see him give 100% and fight good fights. Titles are hard to get and he has that done very early in his career.
Tua had chances but ate his way out of contention
JP needs to rise above mediocre - its all mindset which I believe Andy Lee can help him achieve
David Tua just drove me NUTS - wasted so much potential in his 30s. Diehard just about expired with steam coming out his ears.

JP is different - but something needs to happen. Can't go on like this.....
Well at last he acknowledged it by moving from KB so to me that shows he wants it.
I just want to see him fulfil and fight big fights.
He will have more loses but who cares as long as he is fighting the best opponents this will happen- people concentrate too much on loses - Ali lost 5 times but is still rated as the GOAT

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