Joseph Parker
Do we really want Parker to be like them? In NZ? Cheating to enhance your boxing is one thing, but to criminally exchange money for meth dealers?
None of the above.
If JP is involved to that world he has himself to blame and the nice guy image falls.
If he was used and had no idea what was going on I feel abit sorry for him
Which JP is it?
Hopefully it's scared him straight.
It's both I think bart. He was used because he had money the criminals could use. I'm sure he knew what he was doing.

In NZ it may hurt his career.

In UK it will only affect him if the Press go after it.

There are no official charges and nothing actually proven - but there is a bit of a smell about it

Hopefully it's scared him straight - as I said
Nothing to really hurt in NZ, as the vaccines will be coming, and he'll never fight in NZ again. And you're right: in the UK and US, who cares. In the press release, he's said he's never said he used or sold meth. Never said anything about money laundering/changing money though, which is the nonlegal allegation.
I find it strange that nobody has actually said he should be held accountable for this
(03-13-2021, 02:16 PM)craigyid14 Wrote: I find it strange that nobody has actually said he should be held accountable for this

For what, laundering money for meth? I do!
It may be that he was more naiive and stupid in all this than truly conniving.

I would be willing to bet it has scared him straight.
This is the first I’ve ever heard of this story. I hope it’s wrong. Stupid doesn’t begin to cover it, if this is the case.

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