Joseph Parker
Yep... I remember that press conference in Vegas Die... and I remember a Marty Pugh opening his big mouth whom knew nothing about the sport and made a c*ck of himself

KB, and others you've mentioned have earned the right to open their mouths and express their opinions.... Duco have a long way to go before they will be taken serious.

However, they have a good fighter in JP whom is turning heads, so hopefully they will get the recognition soon, "if" they start putting their money where their mouth is.
and this is one of the reasons why people, the boxing purists will not jump on the parker train. lonergan is bad for JP. ALL BAD!
Lonergan talks to some of the boxing bigwigs in the US, is associated with KB, has a guy in the top 10, and HE feels he deserves to run his mouth. Now he may turn NZ'ers off to Parker, but in the US and UK, this is par for the course.

Just back from Singapore, where I failed to find Sham's long lost cousin, no matter how many people I asked.

Question for you boxing pundits: You guys and dolls were saying that Parker got a "red mist" for Narcimento, Costa, and Saglam. That he gets hit with the right hand too often when he jabs. My question is why would you then want to put him in with Meehan and Leapai, who are better than the three boxers mentioned above? Makes no sense to me. Let him fight at the same level until he masters a defense against the OHR, and then put him in with those two. What he'll learn from those two is that an OHR will KO him. Is that what you want? To prove to Duco that Parker is not as good as they say he is? He's only had 14 fights. Let him learn the basic skills first, build up his resume, and then take on Meehan and Leapai.
(06-19-2015, 10:39 PM)shamrock Wrote: They are fake! that almost implicated fai lol... Ooops, sorry fai 
nobody knows about fake than you sham you're  the deal deal, you been faking it in the last 20 years lol
okay my uso lol
3 News thinking the same... Bowie a good fight I reckon
Fai, sham is not

we might get on corporate bouts at Invercargill tourney fai, I hereby call you out!!!!

if you not available I'll call Die as late replacement
Sham, I'll put my heart up against your heart anyday. Let's get it on! Forget Fai. My pacemaker will outlive yours. Anyday.

Just got word that the Opunake fight featuring James Langton vs Mad Dog is SOLD OUT. We know how to do it in South Taranaki. Sam Rapira is on the undercard.
This from an 18 fight unbeaten Bowie Tupou in 2009 - sound familiar?

Boxer from down under moves to Vegas, and his trainer says he has "incredible hand speed for his size" and a jab that "reminds him of Mohammed Ali". Also said he'd have a title in 18 months
Lost his next fight to the average Demetrice King
Well, he was doing well until Demetrius King KO'd him in the 2nd round. His trainer used to get on the David Tua website and wax lyrical about him. Here's his record. Not bad, but not a world beater as the article suggests:
Bowie certainly didn't have "incredible hand speed" against Malik Scott, who beat him to the punch every single time.

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