Joseph Parker

Don't think it can be fixed
Yeah it can Kiwi, I'm a runner. Out injured with my Achilles (again) at the moment, so although I've been cross training with plenty of swimming I have no stamina. I do however still have my fitness, so together with a good diet, plenty of fruit and veges I'll start building up the mileage again. Parker needs to eat properly and run often and for longer. Do you think Duco would give me a job? :-)
Parker has been doing this for YEARS

If he gases for 3 or 4 rounds every fight (which he does)

it feels like an ingrained thing to me
That's why surely its time for a change in team, its not working. Maybe they're not putting the emphasist on working on his stamina. Of coarse he has other issues but he's clearly talented.
If he fought entire fights like the first 2 rounds of the Whyte one

he would win and win

But again he gased - not just from the head-clash
ok guys Joe has said he wants to fight for 5 more years, if he stays with his current team where does he end up? if he switches it up and works on theses weaker areas of his game how far can he go?
I dont want to see what happened to David happen to Joe, where the last years of his career were milked for chump change on dubious local PPVs. Id like to see the Ruiz rematch
Browne - maybe


Junior Fa

Maybe that Chinese guy.... Chisora in UK...
(08-09-2018, 08:59 PM)Kiwi Wrote: Browne - maybe


Junior Fa

Maybe that Chinese guy....  Chisora in UK...

you want Fa to be fed to Joe at this point in Juniors career?
I'd like to see him against Chisora, but that fight doesn't look like happening so Browne would be perfect. If its not commercially viable in NZ then fight over in Aussie. If he doesn't change his team. I'd certainly like to see them at least bring a person chef in (like Mayweather did for the Pacquia fight). Start investing some of that hard earned money.
Browne might make for a good local PPV, but given the cheating Aussies last showing what does it do for Joseph?

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