Junior Fa
(05-27-2017, 12:14 PM)bopman Wrote: It goes back to when people say abs are genetic. Only the shape of the muscle is genetic and how big they potential can pop out. But real truth is if you dont have abbs then it one of two things: you aimt fit and dont train core or you dont eat well. In parkers case he is fit but is failing in diet. In Fa case its a bit of both but probably alot with diet.

Yeah abs just comes down to low bodyfat combined with adaquate muscle development.

Usually you have to be 12% if not a bit lower.

Parker is like 14% when he is in fighting shape. 

[Image: 1475316160093.jpg]

You can see fat around the love handle areas and youd be able to pinch more than 1" below his belly button.

He's got around 10lbs too much bodyfat to have abs, nothing to do with "genetics"
Infern0, I'm an old man (but not as old as Sham!), and I have 20% body fat, and my abs look better than Parker's. It's his diet. When I went to Tua's camp in Vegas when he fought LL, I saw a box of doughnuts in the kitchen. Must still be there. You can't train away fat without eating healthily. As my former personal trainer told me once, your abs and oblique's are there, you just can't see them because there's fat around them.
I hope junior was carrying injuries into that fight. I'm sure he must have been carrying some kind of niggle but didn't want to turn down the oppourtunity and his team knew he could still win otherwise if he blew out that big and looked that lethargic that future is not bright.
The encouraging sign was that he was pretty composed and didn't get frustrated but he couldn't have been screaming blue murder if it was a draw either.
Sam didn't train for two months prior to the fight. And still could have gotten a draw if he stole another round. Little tired of hearing reasons why he's not fighting well. Same with Parker. Time to leave your excuses in the changing room and fight to your capabilities.
Totally get what you are saying but it seemed to bad to be true. How could he be that heavy??? He said next fight should be in Auckland so that will be interesting.
Looks like a mental thing in there. Not sure if it's a lack of confidence in his stamina (as he pressured Sam for 30secs of the first round then backed off drastically) or lack of Ideas. Seriously, where was the feigning, combinations, trap-setting? Maybe he wanted to get rounds in but then that shows a lack of judgement because it was close to a draw. Hunter Sam said afterwards that Fa was only big but nothing special. Junior needs to decide whether he's gonna be an average podder or bang these guys out and make a name for himself-even whilst risking gassing out if it doesn't come off. Possibly they've planned to eek out boring decisions against subpar opposition so as to get a good looking record and get rated by a sanct. body.
OK, I'll keep it simple.  Fa needs to lead with a hard stiff jab and follow with a right cross.  Those are the only two punches I'd do at this level.  Forget other punches, he doesn't know how to throw them correctly, or have the stamina to throw more.  Once he can throw those with effect, he can add other punches.  Given his opposition so far, that's all he needs.  No prissing around, no finesse needed.  Just hunt his opponent down, throw his two punches, and close out the show.  Once he's doing that, he can learn more advanced skills, like a combination.

Oh, and eat healthy and develop some power.  And run.  Keep your stamina strong, cause I want you to go for three minutes a round until you KO the guy.
hey all, we had a rough night at the office and re assessing the training at the moment. I think at end of day he was cooked and had over trained so was fatigued in ring. weight is an issue and have a new plan on that more to do with how he's eating rather then whats he's eating. . end of day junior didn't perform to the standard we all wanted. Junior being his own harshest critic is pretty upset about it. i think of this as a bump in the road not a big wall. looking forward to heading to the states with some top sparing as that is our single biggest problem.
markk, thanks for being so refreshingly honest. Too many managers/trainers spin bullshit, which does the fans a disservice and hurts the fighter. Just know that we are all behind Fa and want him to do well and wish him much success!
I like Fa too, thanks Mark for the honesty. Its hard with the poly boys as they gain weight so quick, diet will be key followed with an extreme work ethic. i look forward to seeing where Fa can go when you take him out of his comfort zone.

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