Parker/Dimitrenko undercard
Wow, this is shaping up brilliantly. Morgan/Taylors a great fight. Parkers brother has got no easy beat and I hope Buttabollox/Tillman happens but I can't see it. The buttabollox liked his name up against real boxers. Tillman ain't crap diehard, a crap and lazy trainer but certainly not crap. Roll on this duco card....
Maybe not crap compared to the butternut.

I'm worried Izu is going to have another poor opponent, as they still haven't been announced, we've been promised a top 15 ranked fighter right?
I'm not holding out much hope for izus opponent but a few weeks out its a great card.
(09-06-2016, 10:05 PM)diehard Wrote: Clarence will KO Butterbean. Clarence is crap, but he IS a professional whose huge and can hit. Bye, bye Butterbean.

depends on what Clarence turns up. we all know he took a dice against SBW. who's to say it wont happen again.
Best Duco undercard yet for a JP fight
Bowyn Morgan vs Gunnar Jackson now instead. Even better fight for mine!
Craig, Clarence IS crap. He had a decent record when he moved to NZ. Now it's terrible, as he loses to almost everyone. Except Butterbean. Can't box to save himself, but he has a HUGE bolo punch.
I'm going to book this fight based on the undercard. I expect Parker to win the headliner fairly easily
(09-07-2016, 08:27 PM)mippy Wrote: I'm going to book this fight based on the undercard. I expect Parker to win the headliner fairly easily

And Duco appreciates your support. Seriously, I think they are finally getting the undercard right. All we need now is a competitive fight for Izu.
I'm also going to book.

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