Super 8
Tyson and Tua were shorter than Hemi, and they did ok. Sounds as though you are doing exactly the right thing by getting him good camps overseas and his team looks top rate. Don't know what Jonah Lomu is doing in there though. Inspiration?
Light Heavyweight line up confirmed at SUPER 8
Looking like it's going to be a great night. Berridge vs Papanui should be a cracker. I reckon 3 rounds will be good for Berridge
Hopefully Berridge can win the thing and get his Career back on Track.
Should be a great night, the final not that predictable. Berridge been around but has rough edges.
Yeah Berridge definitely has Flaws and Papuni could quite easily expose them and win but I like berridge he's exciting to watch so should be a great fight.
Good card really. Super series are the real deal, some good names in there.
Yeah my money is on Berridge especially over 3 rounds. We did some sparring together in August and I can tell you he is seriously dangerous early! I just don't think Papuni has the experience or the chop to beat Rob.
Vasco has this way in bringing the dog out in Robbie for real, Robbie isn't the same without him
Robbie can definitely punch, but Papuni can definitely counter. Should be a good one.

Who you guys and gals got for the NZ Cruiserweight title fight, Langton or Betham???

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