Super 8
Hometown call for the kiwi
Felt that the other fellow won the fight, but Reece won the extension round. I don't see how it can be an extension round with three judges and three rounds. It's an odd number.
Three rounds with three judges can be a draw die if they all scored it the same way
I thought Papanui lost the fight.
Adosanya won the fight easily, but didn't unleash his power. He and Bryant will be a battle.
I love Papuni but man he looked average and if the decision went the other way I would not have been upset with the call...
I don't like to criticize anyone in broadcasting role as its a really tough gig but how bad are the guy and chic doing the ring announcements???
You can say its only a little thing but they are destroying the atmosphere for mine!
Young fella unlucky not to win in 3 rounds there
Berridge wins extension round easily but how the hell did it get to that stage, Berridge lost that fight in three! Very lucky boy to get away with that but really fell for the other kid, he was gassed at the end of the third and shattered in the fourth but should have won, wasn't even close after three
2 undeserving fighters in the final

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