Bare-knuckle boxing... thoughts?
Aussie mum wins in bloody bare-knuckle boxing debut

I don't doubt there is a market for this from the types that like to see blood and guts but I don't see it doing boxings image any favours
They say that the gloves are for keeping the hands protected, not the opponents face. AND, you can see bare knuckle fighting in Auckland on Saturday nite. Free.
Would ACC cover it? Can see a lot of facial and knuckle breakages... stitches etc etc
Bear knuckle fighting should be left to shams caravan cuzzies...
joking mate
Very few skilled fighters come from that back ground, Waste of time!
Its bloodier because bare knuckles cause more cuts but less impactful because they pull their punches so they don't break their hands.

Anyway its just a sideshow tbh. Bobby Gunn is like this 500-0 bareknuckle fighter but pretty sucky at boxing
I watched a bare buckle fight, not a street fight years ago and it was shit. I then went and looked at heaps of the bare buckle fighting on you tube and there are some real good scraps but these guys are just brawlers with low to no skill.

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