Goodbye Shane
A tribute to Shane Cameron.  Average talent, huge heart.  He done us proud.
Nice article:
he will not go away for long. money on the table draws fighters to promoters like nothing else.
Gotta get past his wife first.
I reckon that's it for him for good, he's got his gym up and running and he's been bashed about in his recent fights. I hope its definatly finished for him he's sounding abit punchy
yeah Shane has made a very good path for himself to travel down from here onward. No need to take too many punches when your doing alright for yourself eh.....but getting in that ring is one of the hardest habits to kick. If someone offered you 500k would you turn it down? or would you be tempted to take it for just one fight? giving up fighting must be like giving up heroine....someone offers it you and fighting the urge takes tremendous strength. Once a fighter always a fighter, at least until age finally overcomes the desires of the heart.
No one in there right mind would offer Shane Cameron $500,000 to come back.
Until monte Barrett beats Kali Meehan you're probably right Wink
Whilst i think it is the right thing for Shane to retire, i always had this feeling they would cash him out against Parker
I wonder if that was Parker's next fight if Cameron had won. Not Tua.

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