Tony Bellew knocks out makabu
Yes a Joshua V Fury Clash is Mouth Watering and no doubt it will happen . Joshua will Smash Breazeale to pieces and Fury will demolish Klit then we have our super fight!
Go Klit, bring it man. Knock the bum off the toilet
Drozd takes Bellew out when he returns
Drozd is a beast.
Great to see Bellew get up as the underdog at his home away from home! Watched it live and was a brilliant fight! He has to fight the Latvian guy Breidis next as a mandatory or a unification with Lebedev. He will desperately want to keep the WBC belt but in terms of money, the Haye fight makes a LOAD more than any fights he can get at Cruiser so might see him go down that route. I'd pick haye to win but Bellew is much more of a threat that lumbering Shannon Briggs at the moment IMO
Breidis is good fun too watch, I doubt he's the best but he's my favourite Cruiser he's pretty much all action.

TBH I can see this fight happening, that Bellew KO was epic, and there seem's to be a feel good factor with him at the moment.
I could see this being a good draw and if it makes money it makes sense. Haye would be a solid favourite and I don't think he would duck it, because he thinks its an easy fight.
And we know Haye doesn't mind an easy fight..

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