Heavyweight Division
Sadly I think we will only know who it is at the announcement

A Top-25 guy? We sure hope so.

Joe is getting pretty high in the rankings. He is going to get offered a big fight this year - the way things are going.

They usually announce the fight about 8 weeks out, which is mid February.
Tomasz Adamek?

I'm guessing now.. hoping it's not Madugno
Madugno would be a real step backwards.

Let us hope not

Justafan - I feel Joshua won't take it.

Meaning that Parker will.

I couldn't be a matchmaker, unless you had heaps of cash to throw around, you'd have to be a chess player to understand the moves of the division 3-5 turns ahead.
Eddie Chambers is saying on twitter he's in negotiations for a fight.. Could it be him?
Kiwi, interesting.  AJ wants to fight the best right now.  Hearn wants to take his time.  I say you take your opportunities.  

I would love to be a matchmaker, assuming I had a good promoter who would let me spend money.  Now, how old is Stu???
Re: April opponent for Parker...

I saw this on a thread:

Per GoldenBoyBoxing, several heavys have turned down facing Luis Ortiz on March 5 in Washington,DC, some without even hearing the money. Among opponents (their teams really) who turned down Luis Ortiz for 3/5 HBO fight: Carlos Takam, Andy Ruiz and Andrey Fedosov.

If Stu ruled out Takam and Fedosov, could Ruiz be in the mix for Parker? Ruiz is #8 on the WBO, if that is the direction the team is heading down...

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