Heavyweight Division
Like me Die, you don't rate Fury too highly, but Fury gunna get his ass handed to him with Vladimir I'm thinking..
Just watched the video, not my place to say as its his decesion but I hope Walker retires now. Hate seeing someone like that get beaten up when they are past their prime
Sham, I do rate Tyson Fury, but only one amongst a number of contenders that will fall to Klit. What he does have is size, a decent jab, and some power. All good, but he'll get out-boxed by Klit, and I question Fury's chin. Klit finds his jaw, and KO's him in 2.
(07-11-2015, 06:14 PM)shamrock Wrote: (WBA “regular” heavyweight title) what is that title Die?
Well Sham - I'm not Die, but i think it might be a load of bollocks. If you want to be the best, then the title is meaningless. If you are a fringe contender who has no chance of winning the real thing, you may be able to buy a pretend "Regular World Title"
It obviously means a lot to Lucas Browne though
First the 4 alphabets, then the "regular" title.  Joe Louis would laugh in his grave over this.  To me, Klit is the only champ, and everyone knows it.
Joshua keeping busy but eyes another belt

No need for belts now, Sham. AJ is in the top 5. Just needs to bide his time, look to see who he wants to fight, and then go for a title.
Needs work yet Die, and step up fights for endurance experience.
Oh, I agree. He needs to keep fighting stay business fighters until he gets his chance. Wilder, Chagaev, Browne come to mind. Until then, I wouldn't mind if he fights someone in the top 5, like Martin or Glazkov. Dare I say it, Parker should be doing the same thing.

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