Heavyweight Division
Thanks mate will check this out now
Both Parker and AJ have POTENTIAL. No sure thing. I don't bet on MAYBE'S. I hold them both up to the same standards: beat someone in the top 10-20 and I'll take them seriously. Sparring is sparring.
Diehard, it's appropriate you put yr money where yr mouth is me ol mate hahaha we all know AJ knock Jo tTFO. KB must have pleaded Klit to say nice things. I suspect AJ actually earns his kudos...
Sham, never said Parker could beat AJ. Said that both have never fought anyone in the top 20. So, I don't know why you are hyping AJ while putting Parker down. I would say that Kingpin has been the best opposition between Parker and AJ. And AJ beat him easily. Of course, Kingpin never engaged, was past his prime, and basically tried to survive. If Parker beats Tupou, I'd say they were on even footing in terms of opposition.

The difference between me and you, Sham, is that if Parker lost, you would gloat, whereas I would feel bad for him.
AJ has never fought outside the UK. He has had the better opposition over Parker. Marginally. Kingpin came to survive, not to fight. Never said Parker could beat AJ. Not sure why he's even the standard for Parker. Don't know why you're so down on Parker, and hype AJ. Once AJ fights a top ten fighter, and wins convincingly, I might get on board. Seems to me that he's just doing what Wilder did. Fight journeymen until he gets into contention for a title.

Difference between me and you, Sham, is if Parker loses, you will gloat, whereas I'll feel bad for him.
I'm with Die... he looks a million bucks going forward fighting average fighters... lets see him fight a top 15.

I do believe he's got the goods, but lets see him take a few shots and see how he copes?
Exactly. He's only gone 3 rounds in his fights. Impressive. But that also means he hasn't gone into the later rounds, and probably has never taken a good shot. He looks sensational, but I reserve judgment until he's faced a top ten guy. Wilder was similar. Something like 33 wins and 33 KOs. Impressive, but even Molina gave him a fight.
That's quaint die, you turn it that I'm defending myself again....lol gloat at a fighter losing...not me mate, I have total respect for anyone stepping into the boxing ring.

Do agree about AJ building a record similar to Wilder and has yet to face the tests of being hit and being drawn deeper into fights etc, however, it's not a fault to dispatch of the opposition quickly and AJ just looks that bit more formidable as he moves on forward, you might draw the equation with Wilder which is understandable but all in all he's a scary dude and getting through the Olympics with a gold suggests he is schooled in the right direction.

The comparison with Joseph is of course mandatory because of the Olympics background and the fact they are both young and hyped up contenders doing pretty much the same things like sparring Klitsckho etc and dubbed as rising stars by their respective promotions. You may have been party to the comparisons yourself in days gone by if you're honest.

My perspective I havnt seen too much from baby Jo yet to fuel my belief he is a real contender to beat all the top shelf and become a world champion, no harm in that, but I could imagine AJ getting to within cooey of achieving his wildest dreams, he has the height, physique and punching power and I dare say self belief his demeanor tells it all as also his promoters may be a little more professional thanIt he level I hold duco at, sorry. Of course it's all about the future and that's exciting..
Sham, I like chatting with you. What I'm saying is that you would say, "I told you, so" if Parker lost, instead of wishing he would have won. Of course you respect all fighters, as I do.

I just don't see what AJ has done that Parker hasn't. AJ definitely looks like he's the goods. As you say, he's got the build, power, and boxing nous. I honestly don't compare Parker and AJ, never have, except to say that they are two very exciting prospects that I would both like to see get a title. Guess I lean more towards Parker because he seems very likable in the media and is from NZ whereas I don't know much about AJ.

And as I've said about both Parker and AJ: call me when they beat a top 10 prospect. Right now, they're both on the right path, being matched well until they are ready to be thrown in the deep end.
"I told you so" that's not me die, more like "I thought so"... and I wish I didn't think the way I do but it's the way it sits on me. I was brought up in a hard school and was probably weaned off milk long before you were die hahaha different paddocks so to speak, so it's hard to meet in the middle..not everyone's gunna like ya or agree with ya in the class room

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