Heavyweight Division
True, Kingpin didn't throw a right hand the whole fight.  And his left jab was on the back foot.  

Dannyboy, 3 years is a long time for Parker to wait.  Too long, me thinks.  And he'll definitely get a title shot if Wilder is still around, probably in 2016.  But, he needs to beat a top five guy first.  Eric Molina has a title shot coming up against Wilder, and he was "supposedly" Parker's next opponent.  At some point, Duco has to pull the trigger and put Parker in against someone who will lead him to a title shot.  Then, we'll see how good, or bad, he is.  Waiting 3 years won't help.  All this campaigning to get Parker in the top ten...gotta capitalise on it or he'll move outta the top ten eventually.
Might be better to wait Diehard......lol

You heard it here first

But you're right about parker needing step up, he is only fighting guys hand picked he can beat easily. A step up may be a show up. An exposure.
3 years is the "minimum" Die.... and that's come from one of the sanctioning bodies!!

Parker is fighting nobodies yes, and to be fair that was probably a good thing for his first 10 fights. But he now has to step it up, and we've heard the hype from Duco about pushing him quickly for a title shot... well that's a load of bollix, I assure you!!

Duco are only interested in the bottom line and the reason why Parker is still fighting nobodies and taking so long to announce opponents, is because they don't want to part with the bigger $$$ to entice good older fighters, like Kingpin.

There is a reason why Duco got KB involved, yes he's a good trainer, but he's also got good contacts where it counts, and that's what they're trying to leverage off.

I don't believe Parker will be fast-tracked to a title shot until Duco get him a couple of top 10s, or past HW champions.
Well, there are 4 sanctioning bodies, and one guy doesn't control the whole sanctioning body. For someone to say that 3 years minimum for a title shot is ridiculous (not you Dannyboy, but whoever told you this). They don't know what's going to happen in the next year, bar the next 3 years. Parker could get knocked out by Sagram, or someone he fights in Invercargill, and that's the end of the dream. Or, Parker could fight a top 5 guy in the next year and put himself in line for a title shot. Both are possible.

Yes, Duco is looking at the bottom line, and riding the cash cow named Parker. And they need KB's contacts. Too true. But the three years minimum is rubbish. Duco HAS to push Parker to face top ten competition to get decent PPV's. Therein lies the risk. Win, and we're in the money. Lose badly, and we go home.
I can't foresee Duco risking their entire investment in Invercargill (no offence). These regional exposure fights are about getting the whole country behind Parker so there is money coming from every corner of NZ on future PPV's. He will be given an easy-beat with a respectable record, same as in Palmy. Then Meehan and Leapai to finish off the year in Auckland and Hamilton. Just guesses.
Nah, I agree with you. Invercargill will be like Saglam and the rest. Good padded record, respectable, but not top 20. KB said at the end of the year Parker will be in the top 5. So he needs to fight a top 10 guy sometime this year/early next year.
er, when parker was going to fight botha, all i read was 'the kid is being pushed too fast'. lol. my, how things change. sure, parker needs to step up, but they have to be cagy how they do it.

duco won't wait 3 years though. they want major cha ching soon as.

sham, as always, its great to see your adulation of Parker....but keep a level head, he's got a long way to go.
Thanks Cali, I will take yr advice
Sham, whaddya mean you'll take Cali's advice, but not mine? I only give you pearls of wisdom.
Parker won't fight a top 10 guy if Duco gonna pay them peanuts!! Duco are not parting with decent pay-days, and if I were a top 10 HW, why the hell would I risk my ranking and potential title shot, in fighting an up-n-comer like Parker if I wasn't gonna get a decent chunk of change??

There is a pecking order to fight for a World title, and to move up that food chain you have to be on the radar of all sanctioning bodies.... and fighting no-bodies won't move you quicker to a title shot no matter how good you are, end of story!

Parker has done his apprenticeship with his first 10 fights, he now has to fight recognized names.

Like A Joshua, its time to shine and let everyone know in the HW division he's after their spot in the top 10. And to do that, Duco "need" to invest heavily in an opponent.

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