Heavyweight Division
I really can't imagine Parker giving Joshua a credible fight at this stage probably ever. I see Jo Parker as a hype job by duco and KB and some what a fake posing in the limelight of legit achievers.
Harsh words Sham. I thought JP's heavy knockout of Costa Jnr was fairly impressive at that stage of his development (more impressive than Price or Hammer looked against him).
He may not ever be good enough to beat the very best, but if he works hard enough for long enough, he seems a lot quicker than most Heavys out there. He has at least some power and size, and may just get his day in the sun at one stage in his career.
With some more time to learn his craft, I can't see Parker just covering up and cowering like all of AJ's opponents to date. But I do suspect he'll be a Pulev to AJ's Klitschko. 

All unknown though - which is just as well or this forum would be stuffed.

Die - I agree. Seems like they can't even get Meehan, and that would at least be a pretty creditable fight 
Leapai has slipped to 51, but i bet that happens, as they're unlikely to get anyone better. 
Pretty sure they must have tried Ustinov - that would be a good test.

It seems AJ is on a much faster track now, and my faith in Duco getting good fights is waning.
Don't know why AJ and Parker need to compete against one another. Lots of boxers out there.

Sham, you're a Parker hater! And for what? What has he ever done to you? The hype comes from Duco to sell tickets, not Parker. He's still raw, much rawer than AJ. Let him develop in time. Judge him after 20 fights, not 14. Just because AJ is doing well doesn't mean Parker is rubbish.
Hype? AJ hasn't beaten a top 20 guy either:

Joshua has July date in Manchester

Unbeaten heavyweight Anthony Joshua (13-0, 13 KOs) became the first fighter to stop Kevin Johnson, ending it inside two rounds on Saturday. “People say that guy will test me, this guy will test me. It is only going to get tough,” said Joshua, “and I will fight tougher opponents, the game doesn’t stop.”

Promoter Eddie Hearn added, “That was devastating. We witnessed the future Heavyweight champion of the world. We have to do things right and we will progress him at the right pace. He will be out in July in Manchester and you will love the fight we have here for September 12. He is a great fighter and he is Great British. We have a few names there but we will fill this place again. This guy is going to beat every single Heavyweight in the world. We have a chance for a heavyweight to fly the flag for Great Britain and let’s all enjoy the journey of Anthony Joshua.”
The hype machine:

Joshua was very impressive, and will now be fast-tracked by the sanctioning bodies towards a title shot.

We've all got to remember, you have to earn a title shot or atleast be in the "know" to move up the food chain for a shot. There are plenty of fighters a head of Joseph Parker and until he does something really spectacular that catches the sanctioning bodies eyes $$$...... he will have to wait his turn.

And from what I hear, its atleast 3 years away!!
Sham, you said Parker is nothing but a hype job. You never have anything good to say about him. Hate on Duco if you want, but Parker has done nothing but take care of business.

BTW, neither AJ have faced a top 20 opponent yet. But both look the goods, SO FAR. Time will tell.
Joshua fight here


Kevin Johnson was awful and barley threw a shot
Johnson wasn't allowed to look anything Mippy, such is the power and accuracy of AJ..

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