Mega Fight On!!
I know that was so frustrating!!!
Surely they would have asked that???
But Roydon and Ally make me look like a rocket scientist and probably think Joseph Parker is that All Black guy and their only sport guy is Peter Williams. I've never meet him but he doesn't seem to get excited about anything these days unless it's golf. Also, after the Teina Pora debacle he said something along the lines of boxing can't be taken seriously in New Zealand. That was about the time I stopped watching Breakfast but with Paul Henry and Jim Kays on 3 in the mornings now I tend to bounce between the two. Why I don't just go outside and watch the grass grow I don't know as it would be just as informative.
Roach: Floyd’s legs aren’t there anymore and he can’t run for 12 rounds

“Floyd’s never fought anyone with better speed than he has and I believe we have better speed,” said Manny Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach on Tuesday. “I believe we have better power than he has and we’re using that. I don’t think Floyd’s legs are there anymore and he can’t run for 12 rounds because we will catch him on the way. We’re ready to go 12 hard rounds and that’s what we train for.

“I learned a lot from Floyd’s fight with Oscar De La Hoya. I thought he won the first six rounds and then lost track of the strategy. We learned a lot about how Floyd sets traps and Manny recognizes how he sets trap. He won’t fall into it ever and Manny knows exactly what to do in every situation. I think we can win a decision. We can outpoint him no problem.”

“Manny is definitely ready for this fight, we’ve had a great strategy. We’ve actually really worked on this fight together.

“Manny took me into his room many times to dissect tape on Mayweather and how he fights against certain people. This is the first time he has ever asked me to watch film with him. I liked what he showed me on the tape and I think that we’re perfect for this fight.

“From the first day this fight was announced, I’ve seen a different attitude in Manny. He has really taken his training to a new level. He is very motivated and I love what I see every day.”
So what are your predictions guys? Odds are a close decision win for money but I may pop a couple of bucks on a ko win for pacquiao just to keep it interesting.
I don't know. Pacman seems to have all the momentum and motivation now. But I can't help but think that he'll get careless and Mayweather will counter him and get the KO. Watch for Pacman to swarm like never before. Both guys have been hurt before. It should be a good one. But wait for the rematch...
manny pacman will knock out mayweather round will make them billionaires like sham LOL
Mayweather wins easy. He won't take a risk, never does. He'll counter then tie up. I expect a boring fight.

Mayweather paceman live weigh in happening now
Thanks, Thepaulz. Interesting that Mayweather is keeping it all very civil, with no trash talking.
Sure is, he has never been like this in any of his previous fights. To me he looks a bit worried, he even got annoyed at how paceman got the crowd amped normally that's mayweather
I think he said it all a few weeks ago. Boxing for him is now a business, not a sport. He knows he won't get ko'd, and is already counting the $$$, win, lose, or draw. It'll be him pot shotting vs Mayweather swarming. Either Mayweather can't keep him off, and Pacman gets stopped, or Mayweather counters and ko's him. I think it's an even fight right now.

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