Parker vs Hughie Fury
Half a kilo lighter than the Ruiz fight
I thought JP looked a little podgy. Dam man they need some nutritionist in there. If Parker had abs surely casual fans would be more interested and sell more PvP. But I think die is right what is up with the body after how many years of hard training, get a proper personal trainer already
JP has stated before that no matter how hard he tries, he can't get visible abs. He said his brother always could easily, but he couldn't. I'm sure JP eats very well, I imagine it's more his genetics than anything.
What's most important is how he performs in the ring, not how he looks. A six pack ain't going to turn him into Mohammed Ali.
Guys get the AJ poster off your ceiling. Joseph has always been a solid lump.
Tsk Tsk diehard, ye of little faith..

have you really got a poster of AJ on your ceiling..?
Imagine if Parker was allowed to walk around with the physique of say Mark Hunt, Ray Sefo or David Tua.

He'd be a KO artist

As it is he's probably one of those skinny lanky Samoans

Boy needs a good feed - spends too much time with those Palagi's eating rabbit food if you ask me
(05-06-2017, 10:43 AM)Nablonicasso Wrote: Imagine if Parker was allowed to walk around with the physique of say Mark Hunt, Ray Sefo or David Tua.

He'd be a KO artist

As it is he's probably one of those skinny lanky Samoans

Boy needs a good feed - spends too much time with those Palagi's eating rabbit food if you ask me

Hahaha imagine what kb has on the table
When I went to visit Tua in Vegas prior to his fight with LL, KB had doughnuts a week out before the fight. To me, it's not just one thing with Parker. It's his lack of muscle definition, his hurt elbows and shoulders, his gassing at times during fights. That tells me he's not being trained right.
I only remember Parker gasing in the Takam fight? That was after a concerted and failed effort to finish Takam off.
I suspect that with the postponement and Joe coming back from his break early, team Parker have again made the mistake of overtraining, bit of a common theme Joe coming in overcooked and carrying niggles. It's a shame but over the last two years Joes best boxing has been in the gym not the ring.

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