Heavyweight Division
Maybe a thousand dollars a word, Sham?
Ok, would you believe they laced his coffee..
They didn't lace his coffee, Sham. Klit said it correctly. Baby Joseph let him know that the new, young bucks are ready to take over, and that it's getting close to Klit's retirement. 11 years without a loss. Pretty amazing, given how many times (11) he went down before that.
Die you are as gullible as the general boxing public I'm sorry to say if that's what you believe
I believe it as much as I believe that they laced his coffee.
Hahaha, well Die, I don't believe that either. As you say, Parker isn't proven yet
pretty cheesy if you ask me. my opinion is that if baby joseph is the real deal,there is no need to record Klit or Jonathan saying how good he is. what are they going to say? that he is only average and that he wont be world champ?
In an ideal world I agree with you NIGS. But these guys have to keep going back to the same well (the paying NZ public) again and again. The public doesn't follow boxing, day in and day out, and over the course of Parkers early career has been asking themselves whether he's the real deal or if they're being taken for a ride.... Whichever side, wrt that question, anyone on this site falls, Duco needs to keep convincing that public he's the real deal in order to fund the next few educational levels of Joseph's career... That's necessary whether he's the real deal or not....
astute observations cranky and Nigs.
Whether or not Baby Joseph is the real deal will be decided by a top 10 opponent, not talk. Until then, we can speculate...

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