Heavyweight Division
Fury vs. Klitschko 2 confirmed for Manchester Arena

Tyson Fury’s long-awaited rematch with Ukrainian boxing legend Wladimir Klitschko was confirmed today to take place at the Manchester Arena on Saturday 9th July. The bitter grudge match sees Fury, the linear, WBA Super and WBO heavyweight champion make the first defense of the titles against the man he took them from.

Tyson Fury: “I’m thrilled to get this fight on July 9th at the Manchester Arena. I’m the best heavyweight in the world and the rest are imposters to my titles. I am coming for all of them once I’ve dealt with Klitschko a second time.

“The only man that could beat Klitschko is me. What I’ve got can’t be taught; you’ve either got it or you haven’t. How you beat robots is to do unorthodox things. I’m expecting a totally different fight; he’s going to have to come over here and fight this time. It’s going to be a slugfest.”

The mega-fight will be broadcast in the UK on BoxNation.
...and more from Fury:

(04-14-2016, 04:15 PM)craigyid14 Wrote:
(04-14-2016, 01:54 AM)tm7 Wrote: Hughie Fury fighting Fred kassi on April 30, good fight for Hughie!

He's a terrible opponent, has Duco got involved with promoting hughie?

I completely disagree, if you look at who Hughie has fought this is his biggest test by a long way.

Kassi drew with Arreola last year and went the distance with Breazeale, he's no mug.
Its a step up, but a pidgeon step up.Arreola is way past his prime (he's always been a bit of a lazy fighter anyway) and Breazreale is awful, a gimmick. Another way of looking at it is, Kassi hasn't won for nearly 3 years (although by all accounts he out worked Arreola and was out boxing the limited Mansour before being stopped). I've never even remotely heard of anybody else on his record, well journeyman Butler and he lost to him as well. Butler was 42 when they fought and hadn't boxed for 6 years.
Kassi should have beaten Breazeale 7-3, Breazeale went on to stop Mansour and break his jaw. Breazeale is at least huge, tough with massive power. I wouldn't be surprised to see him beat some decent guys in the future. Kassi is definitely much better than Martz and Bergman.
Agreed, Kasai is much better than Martz and Bergman. I reckon at 36 though he's having a bit of a payday and holiday at the twilight of his career. Hughie is not a big puncher so I reckon a lopsided points win that keeps everyone happy.
Yea that seems likely with feather-fisted Fury. Brezeale is now ranked with the IBF so in theory could fighter Joshua as a voluntary. He is trying to break into the US market..

Eddie Hearn has also said that Joshua will fight in the "Far East" some time in the next 18 months.
Worth a watch..

WBA heavyweight champ Lucas Browne fights to clear his name after doping allegation

By Grantlee Kieza
Photo: Mark Robinson/Hatton Promotions

Australia’s WBA world heavyweight boxing champion Lucas “Big Daddy” Browne is trying to clear his name and keep his title after testing positive for the banned substance Clenbuterol following his historic victory over Ruslan Chagaev in the Russian territory of Chechnya on March 5. Clenbuterol is a fat stripping agent used by bodybuilders but it can also be fed to cattle to improve the quality of their meat. On Friday, testers from the Las Vegas-based Voluntary Anti-Doping Association plan to open Browne’s B Sample of urine taken after his fight.

Hand on heart can you saying you definitely did not take any dodgy substances before your fight — even in supplements or sports drinks?

I didn’t take anything. I made sure of it. We were actually the ones who demanded independent testers. I made sure that I had nothing at all in my system. I was taking pre-workout drinks long before the fight but nothing illegal and I made sure that I had stopped taking them long before we went to Chechnya. I had a random blood and urine test five days before the fight and there was absolutely nothing in my system. Why would I then take Clenbuterol which is going to make my heart go triple speed and make me tremble and stuff before a 12-round world title fight? It just doesn’t make any sense.

The test result must have been a massive let down after winning such an historic bout?

I want to walk into a room and hold my head high and be proud of what I’ve achieved and have people be proud of me. I know the doubt is still lingering over me. It wasn’t my doing but it’s something that’s going to follow me so I can’t walk around with a proud head just yet.

The first drug test you had said you were totally clear?

Two VADA testers from Switzerland, I believe, just rocked up to the hotel in Grozny while I was having breakfast five days before the fight and said they were going to give me a random drug test. I said “sweet” and they tested my blood and urine. I have a certificate to say I was totally clear.

Then you had the fight. You scored a stunning KO when behind on points. But your celebrations were muted. It looked like you had one eye on all the guys with the machine guns at ringside.

Yes, I dropped Chagaev in the 10th round and the referee stopped the fight. I put my hands up and then I realized the crowd was completely and utterly silent. My corner were all jumping up and down and I said “settle down, settle down”. It was a very intimidating atmosphere.

The military had a big presence at the fight. The President, whose father was assassinated a few years ago, was in Chagaev’s corner and before the fight started they put on a big military and martial arts display. No one gave you a chance?

I have to say they still treated me very well, a five-star hotel with the whole floor to ourselves. It was a great experience but it’s been tainted by this crap. Maybe all along they were trying to lull me to sleep.

So after the fight, did the testers follow you back to the dressing room and test you again?

Yes. The people from VADA tested Chagaev first and I had to wait around for two hours after the fight to do our test.

So what do you think happened? How can you have nothing in your system on the first test and then five days later test positive for Clenbuterol?

It’s only speculation at this point. They claim the sample had only a very minute trace of Clenbuterol. If I failed the test I think it had to have been put in my system the day of the fight or the day before. If I’m not mistaken we had the official weigh in for the fight on the morning the day before the fight and then a big publicity extravaganza that night — me and another boxer, Brian Minto, from America were the only fighters given steaks. My assumption is that something was in the steak.

How did you find out you’d failed the test?

When I got back to Perth my phone was ringing off the hook at 4 o’clock in the morning. My manager Matt Clark gave me the bad news.

It must have been like a huge low blow?

At that point I didn’t know what I’d failed or what was supposed to be in my system. I found out over the next few days what was going on.

So what’s your next move?

The A Sample tested positive but we’re going to ask VADA to open the B sample. We’re under the assumption that since the A sample was tainted the B sample will be too. It’s the same urine. But you never know because (former world middleweight champ) Sam Soliman’s B sample came back negative. I’ve also sent some underarm hair follicles to give us a good reading of what’s going on and I’m going to do a polygraph (lie detector) test. I know I’m innocent.

You’re mounting a strong case?

Everyone but the Russians seems to be on my side. My saving grace is that I completely cleared blood and urine tests just before the fight so why the hell would I take Clenbuterol, something that’s actually going to make me perform worse, knowing that I’m going to be tested again straight after the fight? The last thing I want is a two-year ban because of this. I turn 37 this week so I don’t have a lot of time on my side. If they rule the fight a “no contest” it means Chagaev keeps the belt after I stopped him.

That was a tremendous right hand you nailed him with.

Yeah I timed it well, hey. I spoke to the three judges at the airport the next day. They had me six points down, six points down and seven points down when I stopped him. I thought I was behind but it was closer than that.

No one has ever beaten Chagaev the way you did, not even Wladimir Klitschko?

That’s the thing. I beat Chagaev fair and square. I don’t want any question marks over it. People saw a good fight with heart and determination.

While this is being sorted out you’ve got plenty of time to spend with your three kids.

Yes, I’m back in Perth doing the daddy stuff, scoring runaway tries in the park but I’d like to be going out and showing people the world title belt. I want to hold my head high and say ‘yes I really am the world champion.’
Must be a horrible time for Big Daddy...I hope he gets cleared.

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