GGG vs Canelo
#31 (Adalaide Byrd 118-110 scoring of fight.  Interview with Steve Smith).
adelaide byrd was criminal. but all 3 of them gave canelo the benefit of the doubt the first two rounds. something dodgy going on there.....
I thought that Canelo won the first two rounds. And probably two more with his counter punching. But that was it.
Same die. I have canelo the first 2 rounds, the 9th and the 11th.

How Byrd only managed to find 2 rounds for GGG astounds me.
(09-17-2017, 07:13 PM)diehard Wrote: I thought that Canelo won the first two rounds.  And probably two more with his counter punching.  But that was it.

ok  i'll accept that,  saw those two much closer myself, but the overall fight was not really contestable:  GGG won beyond question
Yeah, I gave Canelo the first two rounds because GGG did even less than Canelo. Man, Canelo hit GGG with a right hand that i thought would end the fight. GGG came back as though it was nothing. Didn't even shake it off. Believe it was in the middle rounds. GGG threw more punches in the fight, was the aggressor, and I thought connected more. Canelo was tiring too much to throw punches in bunches. But he had some beautiful counter punches.

I thought GGG was invincible before he fought Jacobs. Now he's beatable. But not tonight.
Gennady Golovkin vs Canelo Alvarez Result – What did we learn?

DeMarkus Jones - September 17, 2017 0 Comments

Once again boxing fans are left with a sour taste in their mouths after an overly hype fight does not quite deliver. Not to mention we had the dreaded horrible scorecard rear it’s ugly head.. In the aftermath of Canelo vs Golovkin here are five things we learned tonight.

1. Canelo is a better boxer than advertised. I was quite surprised with how well Canelo boxed in this fight. Not to say he is a bad boxer. Speed was just never his calling card. Technique, precision and power were his tools of the trade. However tonight Canelo showed excellent footwork. Great handspeed and combinations. He was very elusive at times as well. Canelo is becoming a more complete fighter. A scary thought for the rest of the Middleweight division.

2. Golovkin is impossible to hurt. This man eats punches like I eat pop-tarts. He took some of Canelo’s best shots. He would smile or nod and just keep coming. Canelo is an excellent puncher with real ko power. So was David Lemeiux. If those guys couldn’t even budge GGG. I’m not sure anyone can.

3. We absolutely MUST have a judging reform in our great sport. We have all seen it far too often. Two guys fight their heart out only to have their efforts tainted by inept judges. Boxers work too hard for this to happen. Perhaps re-education is in order. However we cannot allow this to keep happening. I know the judges are human. As humans we are not perfect, however Adelaide Byrd’s scorecard for tonight’s fight was hysterically bad. This is not a first for her either. Our fighters and we the fans deserve much better.

4. Sportsmanship is alive and well. Coming off the heels of a spectacle where two grown decided to hurl juvenile insults at each other at every turn to “sell” a fight. There was no such drama in the lead in to or aftermath of this fight. Golovkin and Alvarez were very respectful of one another. That did not stop them from to decapitate each other tonight. You don’t have to have two guys that hate each other to draw in the fans. The best place for the drama is in the ring.

5. Rematch. There has to be a rematch. All parties involved deserve a clear-cut winner. The boxers, promoters, networks and fans all deserve to see a winner. Both fighters have already expressed their desire for rematch. Let’s hope it happens soon and we get some better judging this time.

So there you have it. Knowledge is power. I know i learned a lot about our sport tonight. I am very excited for what the rest of 2017 holds for us.
Close Quarters: Canelo vs. Golovkin

Phenyo Molefe - September 17, 2017 0 Comments

It is a bout we have speculated about for many months, some even years, a bout celebrated before its own crowning. It served as our foundation, bolstering our bias that the Mayweather- McGregor circus was merely a heist impairing the pockets of Boxing and MMA fans alike. This was a bout brought upon by boxing purists. I lined my bets with my primary broker as many of you did; I had already picked my winner with unwavering confidence. Tonight’s action has long been on our hearts and tongues and while disappointment flew far from our minds.

Round 1:

The fight was initiated with dazzling speed and intention being laid at the door of the opening round. Both fighters beaming with confidence and focus while we glared with admiration at the chiselled form and mass that Canelo displayed. Golovkin was quick to implore the offense, walking Canelo down, with a sniper’s jab while Canelo served him with movement around the edges of the squared ring. My immediate concern given my bet was whether Canelo would be able to shore up the energy stores to fuel the movement he has been known for, as GGG released threatening hooks. In the last 40 seconds; Alvarez was proving his notable speed delivering partial over hand rights while evading Golovkin’s blows. Very difficult to give the round to any of the two but I will give GGG the round, directed aggression but it is Alvarez who landed the more effective blows.

Decision: Close round; I lean with Golovkin 10-9

Round 2:

I am surprised to see that Golovkin is fighting with such veracious intent; he is usually a fighter who only comes into form, in the middle rounds. Tonight he is firing away from his battle tank, marching Alvarez down.

He is aware that he is fighter a higher calibre foe, than that we have seen before. He has to close the distance early to ensure that Alvarez has no chance of building a leading margin. However he is GGG and it is imperative for his cause that he lands a defining punch early to puncture the confidence and movement of the young bull in front of him.

At two minutes an explosive Canelo landed a left upper-cut followed by a right which drew attention to effective arsenal he is putting together. If he continues in this fashion he is going to be hurting Golovkin in ways untold. He swiftly switched two a double jab, targeting Golovkin’s gas tank.

As a promising Mexican right misses, It is quite clear to me that Alvarez is committed to landing punishing blows to test Golovkin’s standing. Golovkin seems content to try evade the explosive skirmishes as Alvarez seizes control of the offense mantle. They are fighting in the confines of a booth; some punches are landing, many more are missing. It is clear that, speed still favors the younger man who is able to deliver his retribution while narrowly evading Golovkin’s blows.

Alvarez eases the gas pedals and withdraws to the ropes inviting Golovkin’s punches and awarding his efforts with splendid upper-cuts to Golovkin’s body and upper chest. Someone did their homework on the Jacobs fight 

Decision: Alvarez 10-9; notable round he is technically the better boxer and has displayed his power rather well.

Round 3

Golovkin starts out with early aggression and flurries which do not prove effective but catch attention.

It is still wonderful to see Alvarez’s movement evading punches when quarters prove too close. I am seeing some Kronk Gym defensive brilliance in his is approach, must have learnt something from his bout with Mayweather. Landing more hooks to Golovkin pelted body, while they waltz at the centre of the ring.

Canelo is beaming; confident in his ability to exploit the opening this approach unveils. Golovkin returns fire, throwing his best left hook following it with a tapping jab.

Alvarez remains impressive with his sharp movement and punches, using the left hook to the body and right combination with ease. We’re clearly seeing a pattern emerge, as Alvarez continues to deliver variations of hook combination to Golovkin’s head and torso. It is the effective delivery of the hooks to the body that draws my appreciation. Their purpose is to tire the Kazak warrior in the early rounds, bleeding his gears. Towards the end of the round, Golovkin is back on the offensive landing a beautiful left while Alvarez edges the ring’s ropes.

Decision: Good round from both fighter; Alvarez may be tiring; still an Alvarez round clearer punches. Alvarez 10-9

Round 4:

Although I have noted that Alvarez’s energy stores are sapping; it is still the Mexican who explodes with defiant combination punishing Golovkin’s blows. Golovkin is throwing more combinations as he increases his offensive momentum; pressing the Mexican towards the ropes. I can’t believe the confidence this young man is displaying, begging the Kazak in to deliver the blows. I can assure you, not many have had the ability to engage in such against a man who is known to paralyse opponents with his boulders. Tired as he may be Canelo remains in control of this bout. Beautiful action from both fighters. Canelo’s movement is really frustrating Golovkin, who is more tentative about throwing those impaling punches.

Decision: Golovkin round 10-9. He was the effective aggressor, landing some telling blows.

Round 5:

The action continues with the determined Golovkin walking Canelo down and effectively cutting the ring off. Canelo is still displaying his defensive prowess weaving from the hooks. Golovkin seems to be focusing his attention on delivering head shots which continue to miss the young bull.

There we go within a minute left of the fifth round. Golovkin exploits Canelo’s complacency against the ropes and catching the young bull’s cranium beautifully with one of his notorious looping right-hand punches. That was his best punch thus far in the bout.

Canelo’s bravado remains alive, shaking his head to dismiss the effects of such blows but it is Golovkin who is turning momentum in his favor. Canelo explodes in another flurry off the ropes spinning Golovkin back as the crowd roars at the action served.

Decision: Golovkin round 10-9; by far his best round. Not distracted by Canelo’s movement and impressed himself.

Round 6:

Golovkin is still on an offensive gear; Canelo is unrelenting in delivering piercing upper cuts when GGG is left vulnerable. The action is at the centre of the ring and with his hand held low it is the Mexican who is delivering effective punches. Golovkin is switching his punches to the body as he sense the Mexican is tiring. Canelo still throwing combination hooks and rounding it off with his own right as he displays his brilliant defensive skills.

Decision: Alvarez round 10-9 I do wonder, if Canelo’s energy is sapped.

Round 7:

The Kazak warrior begins the round as if the last never ended but happens to walk into some telling blows by the Mexican warrior. Splendid action. Golovkin is still applying pressure while Canelo explodes from his defensive position into openings unveiled. Alvarev is moving a lot more and throwing punches from the right step he continues to use to evade Golovkin.

Decision: Golovkin round; Golovkin is pressing and closing of the ring but he is not landing effective blows in the process 10-9

Round 8:

Golovkin is throwing effective blows in the opening seconds. However it is at the centre of the ring where it is evident that the Mexican throws his best punches. Golovkin is landing heavy right hands when Alvarez’s concentration lapses while lining the ropes. I am very impressed with Alvarez’s defensive skills but am aware that he is not throwing combinations as once before.

Decision: Golovkin round. Actively working the body while forcing a tired foe to move more across the ring.

Round 9:

Canelo begin the round busy with movement and flurry of boulders from varied angles. An impressive display. A second wind may have ensured. Golovkin delivers his own blows while in close quarters. It is Canelo return that is more impressive as lands a huge right hand off the ropes. Still the determined Kazak warrior continues to press his train. Alvarez’s punches output will have to increase in the coming rounds, he will regret laying off the gas pedal in the middle rounds when he should have been active. It is perhaps the higher mass has impaired his gas tank. Clearly Alvarez is the better fighter who was caught lacking in enduring at the higher weight.

Decision: Alvarez round.

Round 10:

Canelo is laboring notable; it is evident to all, that skills belong to him he has to throw a lot more blows to make his case in this fight.

His inability to shift gears has allowed GGG ability to impress himself. Round 10, sees Alvarez issue consistent punches setting Golovkin off balance not allowing him to get his weaponry off.

Golovkin is still fit and it is his impeccable energy that is allowing him to survive the flurries and pressing his own action. Alvarez is fighting but his punches have seemingly lost their steam. He has thrown some defined blows but their impact has been impaired by his waning gas tank.

Decision: Close round, I give this one to Golovkin,

Round 11:

GGG, back on his opponent, attacking Canelo with feverish pace. Alvarez still moving but he is not landing effective shots. He surprises me with a solid three punch combination. Golovkin is seemingly struggling to find the range again. As Alvarez play is bout against the ropes.

Decision: Alvarez’s round.

Round 12:

The final round is about to begin, it is clear that the 35year old Golovkin is spitting fire out of his train express. Canelo is clawing away, fighting like a crazed lion at the center of the ring and it is effective. Wrestling in clinches and punching away at breaks using the upper cut with good effect and unleashing a rapid array of punches which GGG cannot reply to. Golovkin takes the punishment and retaliates with his own punches. They are fighting at the ropes and the movement along the ropes. Golovkin is coming forward with his tiring pace as they return the centre of the ring. The bout closes and the two are yet to rest from hell’s gauntlet.

Decision: Very close round, could reasonably be scored a draw, Canelo edges it for me.

Official Verdict: Draw

I commend both warriors for their output tonight. Adelaide Byrd must really consider giving up her role as judge. It is unacceptable that such dire mistakes continue to soil our sport. However I believe the draw to be a fair decision; similar to that witnessed in the first Ward- Kovalev bout; the second fight will bring us better conclusion of who is fit to be crowned king. Canelo is the more skilled fighter, this bout was his to loose, GGG is effective and grinds his opponents down with phenomenal strength and torrents energy.
WBC orders Canelo vs. GGG rematch

Rob Smith - October 2, 2017 7 Comments

In an empty gesture, the World Boxing Council has ordered a rematch between Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-2, 34 KOs) and IBF/IBO/WBA/WBC middleweight champion Gennady “GGG” Golovkin (37-0-1, 33 KOs). It’s unclear why the WBC even bothered to do this, as Canelo didn’t fight for their belt in his contest with Triple G on September 16 last month at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The WBC ordering the rematch isn’t going to put pressure on the 27-year-old Canelo to make the fight with the 35-year-old Golovkin in a timely fashion if it’s not in his best interest to make the second fight right now.

The options for the WBC are rather limited if Canelo decides he’s not going to comply with the WBC ordering the rematch with GGG. I don’t know what the WBC can do if Canelo ignores them. The only thing I can think of the WBC possibly doing to hurt Canelo is if he ignores them, they could potentially order Golovkin to face his mandatory challenger Jermall Charlo.

Golovkin doesn’t want to give up his WBC middleweight title, so he might opt to take that fight if the sanctioning body ordered the negotiations with Charlo to start quickly. One of Canelo’s promoters Bernard Hopkins said this past weekend that there will definitely be a rematch between Canelo and Triple G.

Golovkin and Canelo fought to a 12-round draw in their fight on September 16 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. The fight was televised on HBO pay-per-view. The draw shook up the boxing world, because most fans saw Golovkin winning the fight by the scores 116-112. Some fans saw it a little closer than that with Golovkin winning 115-113, but overall, it was a rather easy fight to pick the winner.

Canelo feels that he was the one that deserved the win in the fight, even though he was roundly booed by the boxing fans at the T-Mobile Arena immediately after the results of the fight were announced. Canelo said after the fight that Golovkin doesn’t hit hard like what they say he does. Golovkin was mostly using his jab to pick a tired-looking Canelo apart on the ropes in rounds 4-12.

If Canelo chooses to fight someone else in his next fight on May 5 next year, it could possibly be fellow Golden Boy Promotions fighter David Lemieux. Canelo-Lemieux would be an option if Lemieux doesn’t face Miguel Cotto on December 2 in New York. Lemieux is an option for Cotto in what is supposed to be his final fight of his boxing career.

It’s in Canelo’s best interest to make the rematch with Golovkin. After Canelo and GGG get done facing each other, Canelo is going to be pressured to fight the likes of Daniel Jacobs, Jermall Charlo and Sergiy Derevyanchenko. Each of those fighters have the talent to give Canelo just as many problems as Golovkin and maybe even more. None of those fighters would be content with just jabbing Canelo for 12 rounds like Golovkin did. They would go after him, force him to work harder than his heavily built physique would let him.

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