Parker vs Ruiz for WBO
It came from Hearn and your man Haye.
Q&A: Andy Ruiz

By David Finger

There is no doubt that history will be made tonight in Auckland, New Zealand when Andy Ruiz and Joseph Parker face off for the vacant WBO heavyweight title. Two undefeated contenders will not only battle for the vacant world title, but also for the opportunity to be either the first Kiwi or the first Mexican to win a heavyweight title. For two nations with as proud a boxing history as New Zealand and Mexico, it will be an end of a streak that rivals the Cubs World Series drought in baseball. Although New Zealand’s David Tua came the closest in recent years, the drought for New Zealand went all the way back to 1883, when Herbert “Maori” Slade fought John L. Sullivan for the world championship. It was historic fight in that it was the first time an ethnic minority would fight for the heavyweight title. But ultimately Slade would come up short, and the drought for New Zealand would begin.

But while every Kiwi is firmly in the back of their local hero Joseph Parker, Andy Ruiz is determined to see New Zealand’s drought last a little longer. He has a mission as well: become the first Mexican heavyweight champion in history. Ruiz hails from Los Angeles, but as a native son of Mexicali he has a firm connection to the country of his birth. And he is determined to bring a world title belt back to LA not only for California, but for Mexico as well. Ruiz took some time to speak with the media after the weigh in yesterday.

There has been a lot of talk about Joseph Parker’s speed. But is Joseph Parker’s power something you have taken into account as well.

Well I think that everyone who weighs 200-plus has a lot of power. It’s just a matter of time when they hit you and where they hit you, that’s what counts. I’m pretty sure he hits hard but I hit hard so it’s a 50/50 thing.

What about his right hand?

With the head movement and the jab…moving the head and pursuing him it’s going to be kind of difficult for him to throw that right hand.

What do you that you have that you think he might not have seen before?

You know, I think the speed. He hasn’t fought anyone like me. I fought undefeated fighters. I fought a lot of people who were ranked. So this is not my first rodeo. I’m excited to be here. He’s a good fighter. Best man wins.

Are you going to stay in New Zealand or get back to the USA after the fight?

I think I’m going back to America. I’m having a baby three days later after the fight. Hopefully I do come back.

You spoke of being underestimated in this fight. Do you still feel that way?

A lot of people underestimated me. It’s something that I’m use to and something that I love to prove people wrong. When they underestimate the big dude and I end up winning, it just makes me feel even better. There is always going to be doubters in the sport. At the end of the day I’m the one fighting in the ring and they can’t really take anything away from me.

How does it feel being part of such a big show?

I thank God for every second of this. This is where I trained my whole life to be at.

Lot’s been made of the weight you lost. Do you still feel you have enough power?

Yeah, of course. I’m actually going to have more power and more ability to move around and to last twelve rounds.

Mexican fight fans are undoubtedly some the best fight fans in the world. But how would you compare them to New Zealand’s fight fans? How has your reception been here in New Zealand?

Everyone’s been treating me really good…with respect. So I have nothing bad to say. The main thing is to prove everyone wrong. I got to just do my work, do my homework. Tomorrow I’m just going to let my hands go and throw fireworks.

Any concern about coming to his backyard for this fight?

No, actually Bob Arum actually told me we’d either do it here or there. As long as I have this opportunity to prove everyone wrong, I’m happy
Looks like it starts at 8AM on Box nation in the UK:
Well - I'm off the The Hangar in West Auckland before long. Good place to watch.

What about you guys?
BBQ at a mates house for me. Watching the big fight with a bunch of casuals!
2 neighbors
1 father in law
1 wife
3 old work colleagues mates
2 local mates

At my pad. 
Not going to be able to watch it due to prior commitments. I'm hoping to find a replay somewhere when I get home tonight
Best of luck to all the parker fans. Hopefully it's a good result and you get the result you want.

I'm out for the night. Enjoy.
Very kind InfernO. And I for one will be pulling for AJ tomorrow morning.

Not going to be able to watch it due to prior commitments. I'm hoping to find a replay somewhere when I get home tonight

Why not tape it and replay it tomorrow when you recover? Course it cost $60 but you can watch it over and over.

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