Izu Ugonoh
No, not the opponent we wanted. One of his fights was at the Prison Canteen in Ghana. No fooling! Surely there are a number of journeymen in the US and UK who would come over. Michael Sprott comes to mind...just doesn't seem like he's getting anywhere close to the same care Parker is getting in his matchmaking.
Duco found someone to take Blackbourn's place:

KB says he'll fight in the US, and then Poland, next year. KB apologised for the pathetic showing of his Ghanian opponent. Hopefully, KB can get some quality opponents for him.

He looks awesome, both physically and with his boxing skills. His opponents in NZ should be such that he should be a co-main event. Where were the days when fighters fought each other to see who was the best, not to pad their records?
That's the reason we are at impasses with each other
Sham, what do you think about Izu? He looks the goods, but hasn't fought anybody with a pulse. How do you think he'd do if he stepped up, given his boxing skills?
Depends how he handles a power shot on his gob die, looks the goods for sure, but so does Jo.
They are fortunate to have each in the same stable.
Like to see them promote him more though. Last night he was first on the card, he looks like a headliner..
Looks like a headliner in Nz anyway die
I agree. I don't think Parker could have advanced this far if not for Izu training and sparring with him. And he gets crap opponents. I think that KB realises what he's done, and from his interview last nite, he's going to feature Izu in the US and in Poland against much better opposition. He said he was fooled by the Ghanian last nite, that he thought he was better. Everyone says Parker is ahead of Izu in his development. Maybe so, but how would you know? He's faced nobody. He's got the build, reach, speed, power, and boxing skills to go far. He was matched well against Julius Long several fights, but since then it's been Quarrie and the Ghanian.
Yea have to agree Die, I would have loved to have coached Izu
(09-09-2015, 03:16 AM)tm7 Wrote: Apparently a number of highly ranked Aussie said no, incl Leapai. So they seem like they're trying to step him up. But I just can't think why you'd chose this guy if you're going to spend the money on getting him all the way here from Africa.

Surely there's some heavyweights closer to home of the same standard and pay expectations?

i think the problem here is budget. joe and kali would have cost a bit of money. its hard to match every fight when you have some future stars  (izu and willis) on the show who want the good money. it leaves nothing for the opponent. those good aussies would only fight for the right money  id say. 

as much as i like izu and wills i'd rather see domestic fights and see them paid well. guys like nik the greek, sam R, reese P and rob b would all match up well and be reasonably priced. 

lots of great matches out there for the new zealand public to engage with and help grow the sport to the main stream

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