Joseph Parker
I agree with you Die i can't believe that punch like that would drop someone, but who knows. Its not Josephs fault he's a great kid its behind the scenes that worries most.
Westywarrior, that ref WAS blind. But I'm not. The two guys at ringside, ring announcer Dan Hennessey and the first fighter of the night Will Quarrie, think it was a KO punch. I don't.

I don't believe in the conspiracy theory, about a fix and Duco and payoffs, but I do believe that Tupou got hit in the head and decided to call it a nite. Why? Who knows. I've heard of it happening in cage fighting, where a guys mind just goes numb and he doesn't fight back. It's all a bit weird to me. But I don't believe THAT punch caused a KO.
Gothe, have a look at Liston vs Ali 2. Liston was in a similar position as Tupou. Look, I'm probably the first person that wants to believe that it was Parker's power, as I love the guy. But I don't.
Rebel weighs in:

John Conway I was a foot closer and it was a clean ko without question
Daniel Hennessey is in ducos pocket, I wouldn't believe anything he said pupublicly. I cant dispute a ko there at all, but it was certainly a phantom punch for all intents and purposes to our couch potato eyes.
I guess we wanted to see a fight but again it was thorted.. still waiting for the real deal matching and transparency before I'm ready to pay $44 to view.
Sham, I believe Rebel, and he said on the last page that I posted that it was a KO. I just can't believe it myself. Maybe Tupou has a head that has a KO gene in it, like a woman has a G-spot. I don't know, just can't believe it.

But yeah, he's either the biggest puncher since Foreman and Shavers, or we're still waiting. Me, I'm still waiting. Sounds like his next opponent is Meehan. Sham, I paid $40. You paid $44. Did you leave a tip?
With all due respect Die and Sham

Pressure points .. A solid connection to the temple puts your lights out.

No phantom punch here . Parker says he knew he had connected a solid punch and I believe him. Check out the second gif where you clearly see the punch connect .

As the fist makes contact and Tupous head bounces you can see the shock of the impact ripple back through Parkers shoulder muscles.

That would have knocked anyone out cold
Hmm, that's a compelling argument westy. I rest my case
The pressure point is at the very top of the head in that area, and for the pressure point to have an effect, it would have to be hit with a narrow, fine point instead of a padded glove. And the recipient would crumble throughout his body, a little at a time, not the way Tupou did. And he was hit at the top of the head, not on the side where the temple is. If he was hit on the temple, I'd buy your argument. But everyone says, and what I saw, was that he was hit above the forehead.

Now I'm not saying Tupou wasn't hit. He was. But it was a glancing blow off the top of the head. Not a punch that hit solidly, but a glancing blow, judging by how his glove continued in an upward arc over Tupou's head.

So I'm not arguing that he wasn't hit. I'm arguing that the punch was not strong enough to cause a KO.

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