Joseph Parker
Sham, you gotta get rid of that bitterness towards Parker. First you say he's a hype job. Then, when he gets an opponent that's credible, you laugh. Why? It's not Parker's fought. Forget Duco. Get on the Parker Express. You don't have to pay for PPV. Nor go to the fight. But support your fellow countryman. Come on, Sham. You can do it.
Riddle me this.. How can Parker be ranked 8 and 10 by two ranking agencies and not having fought any fighter ranked inside the top 70?

Parker is;
Ranked 8 by the WBO any hasn't fought anyone in their top 15. They only rank 15 fighters
Ranked 10 by the WBA any hasn't fought anyone in their top 15. They only rank 15 fighters.
Not ranked by the IBF. They only rank 15 fighters.
Ranked 33 by the WBC and hasn't fought anyone in their top 40. They only rank 40 fighters.
Ranked 20 by the IBO - has fought Minto ranked 78, Williams 95, Beato Costa Junior 98. They rank 100 fighters.
He is not ranked by nor Ring Magazine.

I think Duco are well ahead of themselves with their title contender talk. Parker is still playing in the toddler’s pen of world heavyweight boxing as evidenced by the calibre of his opponents.
Making comparisons to former greats at the same stage of their careers is folly and only serves to inflate expectations.
I certainly hope Parker doesn't take time to inspect such claims and remains firmly grounded, focused on his next goal.
This type of hype is unhealthy and only benefits the Promotor. Duco must be very careful with their prized jewel - Boxing is a sport where reality and bullshit part company at the sound of a bell.
Contrary to outer perceptions, the life of a contender should be monk like. Training, inward invocation, inward creation, inward reinforcement manifesting incredible outcomes..
Hype and BS undermine the ultimate objective.. Give Joseph a break - let him develop without the noise and distraction..
Last bit on this subject.. Fight night - dressing room - hours leading up to a fight. Management need to cut the parade of posing well-wishers that tramp into his space. This is unbelievable and crazy to boot..
The dressing room in those hours is the inner sanctum - a monastery - where the fighter reconciles his mind and peacefully prepares for battle. Get with the game!

To me, Joseph Parker is a riddle wrapped inside an enigma. I like him and I don't or, more accurately, I like what he's got but, at the moment, he doesn't have what it takes.. Hear me out...

He has size, speed, can punch and most importantly can certainly take one (thanks Sherman) but, these factors combined will not win a world title.
Since turning Pro Parker has certainly filled out and now presents physically as a Real McCoy heavyweight. It's a start and start only.

As a 23 years old contender I would expect Parker to be dripping with skills. He isn't. Parker is very limited skill wise and one dimensional at best.
His lack of ring craftsmanship should be a real concern to his handlers but, I don't think they know the game enough to perceive such things.

As a former boxer literally raised in the gym I would love to see Parker take and command the world stage in the Sweet Science but, Parker's size, power and speed will only take him so far. He is currently guilty of too many crimes in the ring to make it to the top, please note;

1. Parker has a high head, low arm tendency which would be fine if he wasn't guilty of the next two crimes.. He needs to develop a habit of keeping his chin tucked into the nape of his left shoulder..
2. He does not slip punches. Either inside or outside the jab. Slipping punches is the single most effective means of landing your own. At the very least Parker should be landing long rights over opponents jabs.. he is tailor made for this punch..
3. His footwork is limited and his mobility is predominantly linear - in and out. Stepping outside punches creates angles, opportunities, then step in. It's all in your feet. Joseph has some natural upper ability that needs to be complimented with some hard work downstairs. The greatest skill is the ability to punch while moving. You control the tempo of the fight if you can move.
4. Joseph tends to stand too square to his opponent. His stance should be more side on - which would reduce other crimes namely; his jabs falling too short too often - and his chicken wing right cross (elbows down please).
This stance also addresses point 1 providing natural cover for the chin tucked into the nape of the left shoulder..
5. Continuing on this theme.. Joseph is frighteningly high-headed When he sets and throws his big punches.. he telegraphs his intentions when the heat is on. Caution, composure and patience please.
6. Although we have not seen Joseph under sustained pressure his ability to handle it should be questioned. Point 3 - mobility is key under pressure else you must have the ability to roll with punches and cover-up. Protecting yourself - chin with rolling shoulder whilst deflecting punches with shoulders, elbows and gloves is grist for the mill in the Nobel Art. Are Joseph's skills honed enough to box out of pressure situations - one day we'll see?

There are other skill based concerns but they are really just extensions of what I have already mentioned.

Joseph appears to be a modest, hardworking, humble and spiritual being. Perfect prerequisites for the task ahead. I just hope that the 'team' put Joseph first, above all things, and do right by him.

Great post, Veritas! I do think that Parker has more skill than you give him credit for. He does have speed, and power, although I think his upper body is not developed well at all, nor his arms. KB does not believe in weights.

Why is he ranked so highly? Has nothing to do with who he has faced. Well, very little. Has more to do with politics and regional belts. A number of fighters in the top 10 have not faced anyone in the top 20, and a few not in the top 50. Shane Cameron never fought anyone in the top 50 when he was ranked #6 or 7. Tua was ranked #2 in his comeback and had not fought anybody in the top 100 until Barrett came along.

But yeah, I agree with all your points, and his weaknesses.
If you were Parkers matchmaker - who would you get?
Lucas Browne - not keen
Alex Leapai - not keen
Ustinov - ideal - end of year?
Molina - went for payday with the bronze bomber. Might be keen after he gets KO'd
Mark De Mori - hahahahaha - hasn't fought anyone inside the top 300 in years. In Don King dreamland
Kali Meehan - ideal - hopefully Invercargill, otherwise too greedy
Antoni Tarver - perfect. Rated highly, old and small but very expensive
Oldanier Solis - ideal
Fres Oquendo - ideal
Chisora - ideal
Christian Hammer - ideal
Steve Cunningham - very risky, probably not
Chris Arreola - yep
Glazkov is a protected lemon but Joseph won't get near him

All these guys are too small or too slow (except Cunningham)

Obviously it's harder than it looks though...
That's why they get paid the big bucks

He's only young, and has plenty of time, but with Joshua, Wilder and Fury, he's a smaller guy and is gonna need a lot of heart
I'd stay away from Arreola for a while. I could be wrong though, I haven't watched his last couple of fights.
Actually - Chisora is probably too dangerous as well. Beat Malik Scott and Kevin Johnson. Mind you, if you want to be the best, you have to fight the best..
Veritas & gothenaki - two great new posts- hope u guys stick around!
Welcome aboard, Veritas and gothenaki. Keep postin'.

Diehard, Moderator
(05-19-2015, 05:08 PM)Veritas Wrote: Riddle me this.. How can Parker be ranked 8 and 10 by two ranking agencies and not having fought any fighter ranked inside the top 70?

Parker is;
Ranked 8 by the WBO any hasn't fought anyone in their top 15. They only rank 15 fighters
Ranked 10 by the WBA any hasn't fought anyone in their top 15. They only rank 15 fighters.
Not ranked by the IBF. They only rank 15 fighters.
Ranked 33 by the WBC and hasn't fought anyone in their top 40. They only rank 40 fighters.
Ranked 20 by the IBO - has fought Minto ranked 78, Williams 95, Beato Costa Junior 98. They rank 100 fighters.
He is not ranked by nor Ring Magazine.

I think Duco are well ahead of themselves with their title contender talk. Parker is still playing in the toddler’s pen of world heavyweight boxing as evidenced by the calibre of his opponents.
Making comparisons to former greats at the same stage of their careers is folly and only serves to inflate expectations.
I certainly hope Parker doesn't take time to inspect such claims and remains firmly grounded, focused on his next goal.
This type of hype is unhealthy and only benefits the Promotor. Duco must be very careful with their prized jewel - Boxing is a sport where reality and bullshit part company at the ringing of a bell.
Contrary to outer perceptions, the life of a contender should be monk like. Training, inward invocation, inward creation, inward reinforcement manifesting incredible outcomes..
Hype and BS undermine the ultimate objective.. Give Joseph a break - let him develop without the noise and distraction..
Last bit on this subject.. Fight night - dressing room - hours leading up to a fight. Management need to cut the parade of posing well-wishers that tramp into his space. This is unbelievable and crazy to boot..
The dressing room in those hours is the inner sanctum - a monastery - where the fighter reconciles his mind and peacefully prepares for battle. Get with the game!

To me, Joseph Parker is a riddle wrapped inside an enigma. I like him and I don't or, more accurately, I like what he's got but, at the moment, he doesn't have what it takes.. Hear me out...

He has size, speed, can punch and most importantly can certainly take one (thanks Sherman) but, these factors combined will not win a world title.
Since turning Pro Parker has certainly filled out and now presents physically as a Real McCoy heavyweight. It's a start and start only.

As a 23 years old contender I would expect Parker to be dripping with skills. He isn't. Parker is very limited skill wise and one dimensional at best.
His lack of ring craftsmanship should be a real concern to his handlers but, I don't think they know the game enough to perceive such things.

As a former boxer literally raised in the gym I would love to see Parker take and command the world stage in the Sweet Science but, Parker's size, power and speed will only take him so far. He is currently guilty of too many crimes in the ring to make it to the top, please note;

1. Parker has a high head, low arm tendency which would be fine if he wasn't guilty of the next two crimes.. He needs to develop a habit of keeping his chin tucked into the nape of his left shoulder..
2. He does not slip punches. Either inside or outside the jab. Slipping punches is the single most effective means of landing your own. At the very least Parker should be landing long rights over opponents jabs.. he is tailor made for this punch..
3. His footwork is limited and his mobility is predominantly linear - in and out. Stepping outside punches creates angles, opportunities, then step in. It's all in your feet. Joseph has some natural upper ability that needs to be complimented with some hard work downstairs. The greatest skill is the ability to punch while moving. You control the tempo of the fight if you can move.
4. Joseph tends to stand too square to his opponent. His stance should be more side on - which would reduce other crimes namely; his jabs falling too short too often - and his chicken wing right cross (elbows down please).
This stance also addresses point 1 providing natural cover for the chin tucked into the nape of the left shoulder..
5. Continuing on this theme.. Joseph is frighteningly high-headed When he sets and throws his big punches.. he telegraphs his intentions when the heat is on. Caution, composure and patience please.
6. Although we have not seen Joseph under sustained pressure his ability to handle it should be questioned. Point 3 - mobility is key under pressure else you must have the ability to roll with punches and cover-up. Protecting yourself - chin with rolling shoulder whilst deflecting punches with shoulders, elbows and gloves is grist for the mill in the Nobel Art. Are Joseph's skills honed enough to box out of pressure situations - one day we'll see?

There are other skill based concerns but they are really just extensions of what I have already mentioned.

Joseph appears to be a modest, hardworking, humble and spiritual being. Perfect prerequisites for the task ahead. I just hope that the 'team' put Joseph first, above all things, and do right by him.

Thankyou Veritas for your brilliant post, I totally agree. Please work more with the one eyed penguin Diehard and assist him with his noble art of self-defense education, make him aware of facts so he does'nt pretend haha.... On another note, if you are ever in my company please make yourself known to me so as to enable an interesting (to me) conversation on this great sport - more like questions and answers lol. Keep posting.

Love you Die...xx
All of those are dangerous for Parker gothenaki

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