Professional Boxing in NZ
Can't seem to post copies on here but Super 8 busy on social media today.
Picture of Kali suggesting he's still looking for fights with Parker and Tua. and appear to be pumping up Hemi the Heat also.
No that it would have lasted long but still a shame that he was injured on Friday night.
(04-20-2015, 03:48 PM)justafan Wrote: I think Rapira is a champion bloke who has done a lot for the sport and will continue to do so. Him and his brother seem to do some great work in the community and they deserve every bit of celebration they are given.
In the ring however, i think he will continue to fight the likes of the guys he fought on the weekend until he steps up and gets out powered and out classed again.
Papuni is a good prospect but he's beaten nobody and he bet Rapira with ease... I hope I'm wrong as like I said he's a great guy but i don't see much of a future for Rapira outside NZ.
Anyone else got any thoughts??? Like I said I'd love to be proved wrong but just not feeling it...

I agree Justafan, he does great things for boxing, especially in Taranaki by bringing 'titles' to be fought for there. It is just a shame that he's not as good as his early hype would've suggested.
damn, i hope davey never gets back in the ring unless he's truly committed,( and even then...) he looks huge on social media, obviously he still trains his classes and boxers, but his eating habits need some restraint. cant be healthy.
JF, don't know why you have trouble posting copies on here. I do it all the time. Just cut and paste.

Tua talked about how he wanted to be a role model for his sons, and eat healthy. Years ago. Can't believe a thing he says. Really sad how he turned out, given his level of talent.
David was done n dusted years ago, with the level of fighters he'd be expected to face in any comeback would be ludicrous
Guess Kali sees Tua as a payday. Parker gains nothing by fighting Kali. Would like to see Kali fight a top ten guy and get an upset. As for Parker, we should hear something soon...
It's all about the dough with Kali fighting Tua. Agree Tua should stay retired but nothing against Kali for trying to make some money late in his time though as that guy has had more guys pull out on him Pamela Anderson...

Finally learnt to copy and paste last year Diehard but think it was coes it was on Facebook and trying to copy photo and post, either that or I just clean stuffed up. Although I see I copy and pasted the link to the last story when I should have the whole thing so nobody else has to go into the link. Will see if I can get it right next time.
Andrew Robinson takes Berridge the distance over 10 rounds. Sure Berridge got the win and Robinson is a tough customer but really would have expected to see Berridge finish this fight within 5 or six rounds if he is going on to world level. Rob Powdril not to October according to Boxrec, that will be interesting for so many reasons. Will also be interesting to see if team Berridge squash another fight in before then?
JF, some online websites won't let you cut and paste, but most do. With facebook, it depends on what you're trying to do.

Too bad about Berridge. He needed a KO, but like you say, there's always the next opponent.

No, nothing against Kali, it's Tua who needs to stay retired.
Yep thought this guy was a quick fight for Berridge but he must have had other ideas.

Die I think LL may have beaten Wlad early on but don't think that holds now. Be a good fight though.

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