Joseph Parker
Die I'm unwilling to face you I don't want you to cease to function when you see my honed and toned torso. Fai will never face me fairly because of my ko record.

My guy filipo masoe beat mad dog awhile ago
I'll probably see James this week at the gym. Any advice on the best way to beat Mad Dog?
This a good match up for JP against Tupou... he is a big puncher as we know, but definitely doesn't have the speed of JP.

He will have to watch the big overhand rights and left hooks, but that's what KB knows Joseph needs to work on so this guy is perfect for that.

As for Duco offering him $450,000 to fight JP.... I think you'll find they added one too many 0's on that
It's confirmed. Parker vs Tupou. Sounded like they wanted Tupou in October in Auckland from the article. Here's TV3:

Everybody happy with Duco now?
Tupou vs Jennings. Tupou was winning the fight when he got stopped in the 5th. Jennings had too much speed. But Tupou is a tough hombre:
Tupou was doing great but his conditioning let him down in that one I thought. His style seems quite tense, Jennings was super relaxed on the other hand and came on at just the right time...
Daneo, I read somewhere that Tupou took the fight with little notice beforehand.
Jp better be careful with this guy. like dannyboy said, jp probably too quick, but still...
As I said, he was getting the best of Jennings until he got hit with a good combination, so he's definitely got some skills. It'll be Parker's speed vs Tupou landing the big punch.

No way Tupou will be paid $450,000. That's the money paid to Cameron and Tua.
I like this fight on a risk vs reward basis. Parker may well get hit with some good shots, but should land a lot more of his own.

Will hopefully be an entertaining fight

Anyone else think that 10 count Tupou got against Jennings was too fast?

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