Heavyweight Division
Jamieson, what Sham is trying to say is that AJ is much better now. I taught him that word "purportment" to make people think he's smart. Yeah, gothe, you jump on in. This is not just about me proving Jamieson wrong. Anyway, I agree, AJ is the much better, polished fighter, but Whyte might be able to connect with one of his wild shots. Whyte can take a punch. Well, Minto's anyway. Let's see what he can do with AJ's shots. My guess is, as you say, he'll counter Whyte like he did with Cornish.
(09-20-2015, 07:10 PM)shamrock Wrote: Lol smart work Die. That's why you're admin..

 Spin keeps topics on top whether presented fair or foul.  The artist espews his sentiments and hold his points together under all weathers spinning then back to the original...  the object in this forum is Jo Parker and its important for the survival of discussion to keep him at the top of the list regardless of ethics we compare him with all in the weight division even the world champ.. BUT will he survive when he's exposed to the elements away from home comforts and among his lofty peers...? Jo's elevated status in his own backyard appears slightly embellished remembering that AJ and Whyte have much bigger backyards and playgrounds. Heaven knows that Tongan Hemi is already being touted here as future champ also emulating the famous slugger Mike Tyson. It touts a daunting task for the opposition to get past home advantages of hype and elevation to bring their A-game to the fore on demand knowing the disadvantages of home town favouritism, everything is designed to unsettle the opponent.

Jo will very soon need to take his campaign to far off places and other's bigger backyards where his talents or lack of them will be exploited and his promotional teams control (advantage) as master of events largely extinguished. Then we shall see the real Jo Parker. 
Ok. Translation. Sham thinks I promote Parker and other Kiwi's because they are from NZ. He's even accused me of having Parker's poster on my wall. And he loves the Brits (Sham is Irish, go figure) AJ and Whyte. And that Sham says Jo will get his commupence when he fights outside of NZ. And Sham doesn't like conjecture but loves purportment.
OK. Translation. Sham thinks that I love Parker and other Kiwi's because they are from NZ. He's even accused me of having a poster of Parker on my wall. And he loves Brits (Sham is Irish, go figure) AJ and Whyte. And Sham thinks that Parker will get his comeuppance when he fights outside of NZ. And Sham hates conjecture but loves purportment.
Wow Die twice even...!! Love riling you Die it brings out judgement errors lol. I DO NOT LOVE THE BRITS!! I do however love AJs boxing nous he's shown to date.. ( did you see the the way the Brits defile our haka, how could I love them) haha.. I don't consider Jo will get his comeuppance when he fights out of town, I do however think we will get a more solid foundation where he stands in the global paddock when he's on the same playing field as the others.. similar to the ABs in the world cup..

Cant wait to have a coffee with you Die and tell you how you remind me of a good friend of mine whom I've met since I've been in Hamilton and whom is adament Jo Parker has the skills already to become world champion. That's it in this game, everyone and their dog have an opinion (even me), and everyone is right in some degree...lol
You're the best, Sham! Next time I go to Auckland, I'll stop by Chartwell and have a cup of coffee (not instant, please) with you. I'll leave my car up the road so that, unlike Fai, I won't embarrass you in your fine neighbourhood. Me, I live on a farm surrounded by cattle, a mountain, and an ocean.

Now onto boxing. When Parker and AJ fight a top ten guy, we'll then talk about a world championship title. Until then, as my good friend Jamieson has so eloquently stated, they're just "potential" world champs.
Did you know Die I worked as a shepherd in the high country for 18 years, bred horses and dogs and pigs as perks.. even later on leased 100acres in Palmerston North and ran sheep and broke in horses etc; was a great life.
OK, Sham. Come to Opunake to have coffee with ME. I've got about 400 cattle, 3000 sheltered pigs, two horses, and about a hundred sheep. Mind you, they're not mine, but I look at them every day next door to my house. No way I'd actually raise them. I'm not a hard-arsed man like you. I don't have the toughness for it, mentally or physically. But I will soak in my incensed bathtub and stare at them.

Sham, do you have any animals on your Chartwell property?
Die, Chartwell is a residential area. We don't even own a cat here although the neighbours ones visit.

I'm sure you're tougher than you make out Die, mental toughness is a great attibute and physical toughness Die.....? remember you did challenge me to a dual when you visit Hamilton next, I have been weeks in training honing up my ducking and weaving and have oiled my dualling pistols as I remember you were a sharp looking dude when I saw you last and I should imagine you havn't lost much speed since then.

Failing that, we might say a prayer for the departed and just chill out over a cold beer or a coffee and speculate on the future of heavyweight boxing...lol
Sham, I know Chartwell is residential.  I have a friend who lives there.  Gotcha!  Yep, I am sharp looking.  Going to the WOW show in Wellington Wednesday.  Wearing my orange micro-fiber suit with black hat.  Wouldn't call me tough though, Sham.  More like using my big mouth to get out of bad situations.  Did have a very fast jab (some say a straight left) if someone is stupid enough to walk into it.  Other than that, I let Mrs D, my black belt wife, do all my fighting and posturing for me.  

I go through Hamilton to get to Auckland several times a year.  Will stop by for a chat.  We can compare pacemakers!  Oh, and by then, Parker will be heavyweight champ!  So yeah, within the year I'll be around.

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